Added by Latinum Institute on November 1, 2008 at 1:29pm —
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tuus vultus erubescit: credes, Deus nescit?
Ivan Petryshyn
Added by Ivan Petryshyn on October 31, 2008 at 11:14am —
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Goals - oral and aural appreciation.
One thing strikes me - so much of the very substance of a Classical Roman text - for example, Cicero, is determined by technical metrical effects - his very choice of words is driven by the metrical requirements of his prose, especially at the ends of sentences and clauses. I do not believe one can properly appreciate what Cicero, or any Classical author, or poet was doing with language, unless one appreciates the…
Added by Latinum Institute on October 27, 2008 at 6:22am —
Our Latin Club and all SBHS Latin classes participated in a long-standing tradition of building a Most Triumphant Homecoming Float. The Homecoming Theme was 'A Night among the Stars' (Hollywood) and our entry Achilles' Warship from *Troy*. These slideshows document our student's work on the float...soon I will add more of the actual building of it offsite at a family's home. BTW, we won…
Added by Chris Ann Matteo on October 26, 2008 at 11:30am —
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I have made some movies for learning the Latin verb, based on the concept of a verb wall (c.f. Sam Sams circa 1830) and the Method of Loci (c.f. Simonides circa 500 BCE).
These can be found here.
Added by Latinum Institute on October 14, 2008 at 5:02am —
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I did my undergraduate studies in New Zealand. In my first year at University, a group of Maori
started up a programme, calledTe Kohanga Reo - which translated loosely as "Maori Language Nests". A big political debate raged around this at the time.
Maori as a language was on the verge of extinction. The idea - a brainwave - was to set up kindergartens where the immersion language would be Maori. These kindergartens were for ages…
Added by Latinum Institute on October 14, 2008 at 4:30am —
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I don't blog very often, but I am having such a great week at school that I just have to babble about it a bit.
7th grade...amazing. I projected silly clipart pictures onto my whiteboard on Monday and Tuesday, and they were practically falling out of their chairs with enthusiasm to say something about the pictures in Latin. Out of 20 kids, at least 16 hands flew up, and when I finished with all their comments, those same hands were all up again ready to say something else. One…
Added by Anna Andresian on October 8, 2008 at 1:17pm —
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Transcript of Latinum Podcast Episode:
In 2003, Michael Thomas Connaghton published a short thesis on the use of Latin in the Vatican State – in the hope of demonstrating that Latin was still alive. Instead, his thesis outlined the last gasp of Latin as a spoken language – across the Vatican, latin as a language of daily intercourse is now in effect confined to a single room – the so-called “Office of Letters”. The main Latinist, Reginald Foster,…
Added by Latinum Institute on October 5, 2008 at 6:00am —
Hello Everyone,
WiZiQ invites eLatin eGreek eLearn Members to give a public session on WiZiQ at a scheduled time of your choice. Because eLearn and its members are active in online education, giving a WiZiQ public session is an excellent way to get the word out on your organization to the education community especially in your areas of interest and expertise.
Click on the link to…
Added by Mark Cruthers on October 4, 2008 at 2:12pm —
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The Campanian Society's educational materials for Latin, Greek and Greek and Roman Civilization websites have been updated:
Below are the specific links to the various web pages available on Campanian Society website.
Off-Prints of Articles by Authors on Classical Subjects: Latin, Greek, Art, Archaeology,…
Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 3, 2008 at 11:04am —
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I have gotten a couple of recent queries asking if eClassics is planning on doing anything special at the
joint annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association (AIA/APA) in Philadelphia, Jan. 8-11, 2009. Now that eClassics has nearly 900 members, we could viably hold our own conference, but I'd like to start with an informal get-together where we can eat, drink, be…
Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 3, 2008 at 10:14am —
1 Comment
Earn a $125,000 salary and join a team of master teachers at The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School, recently featured on the front page of the New York Times. You may view the article by copying this link:
TEP is a new 480-student 5th through 8th grade middle school in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. Applications are now being accepted for teaching positions in Latin, Math, Science, English,…
Added by tepcharter on September 30, 2008 at 1:18pm —
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His podcast, "How Did Hannibal Cross the Alps," was part of an article titled "The Camera-Friendly, Perfectly Pixelated, Easily Downloadable Celebrity Academic," by Virginia Heffernan in The College Issue, NYTimes 21 September 2008.
Added by Chris Ann Matteo on September 22, 2008 at 12:25pm —
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Blessed Maecenas, when will I, happy, by the grace of Jove, drink vintage Caecuban at the victory banquet with you, in your great house with victorious Caesar, the lyre playing a Dorian march with barbarian flutes mixed in? Just as we recently celebrated, when the retreating Neptunian leader, threatening chains on the city which he dragged from his friends-- perfidious slaves-- flew through the straits, his ships in flames.
A Roman—God! (future generations will deny it)—made over to…
Added by Bill Parsons on September 22, 2008 at 4:28am —
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The Project of recording the works of John Amos Comenius has now commenced over at Latinum.
Digital texts of the Orbis Senualim Pictus are available in Latin, with parallel translations in Polish, Czech, German,French, and English.
The Orbis is an ideal text for introducing children to Latin.
The plates in the version called KLEINER LATEINER are the clearest - this is also available on Google Books.
Added by Latinum Institute on September 22, 2008 at 4:26am —
New from the College Board:
AP Latin Literature
We at the College Board value the study of Latin just as we value the study of other subjects ranging from biology to German to art history, for each of which we offer one high-quality AP Examination. We want to provide the same level of support for Latin as we do for other AP subject reas, but this entails focusing our efforts on one rather than two separate P Latin courses. It is the opinion of our World Languages Academic…
Added by Andrew Reinhard on September 18, 2008 at 11:50am —
Time to start in with my Horace translations again. Epode 8 is definately not for those easily offended.
Epode 8
Tr. William Parsons
You ask me, you pig, over and over again, what wilts my manhood, while you are the one with the one black tooth, with old age plowing your brow with wrinkles, and your filthy asshole, with shit still on it, gaping between boney ass cheeks like some cow's! But what
really gets me is your…
Added by Bill Parsons on September 14, 2008 at 6:30pm —
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As I am getting near to the end of Adler's Grammar - and my speed at marking up the text is increasing, I am looking forward to my next project, connected with providing online resources for someone wishing to become fluent in Latin. And so, with an eye on the next step in developing my Latinity, I have started to make preparations for phase II:
Latinum’s Comenius Project
Project Outline August 2008
John Amos Comenius ( March 28, 1592 – November 15,…
Added by Latinum Institute on September 8, 2008 at 1:00pm —
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As part of my general interest in education in Latin, I have started to collate a list of textbooks on various subjects written in Latin, that could be used in a hypothetical 'Latin School'. If you have a subject with which you are familiar, reading a textbook in that subject will, of course, be much easier to assimilate. For a beginner, who is just starting to find his or her wings with Latin, reading these textbooks would be a useful way of increasing one's fluency.
The texts…
Added by Latinum Institute on August 30, 2008 at 11:40am —
We are on the third day of a new school year, and I am still looking for my groove. Every year, each class takes on its own character eventually, but in the first few days we spend our time dancing around each other, trying to get comfortable. At present, my 2s and 3s are reviewing before we pick up with the next level, and my APs are diving in to Cat 64 for the last time (thanks to the AP Board, per deos immortales). We are all at that delicate stage where things are new and at the same time…
Added by Matthew Moore on August 28, 2008 at 6:13pm —
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