Interestingly, some of the tomb inscriptions in the Jewish Roman catacombs are in Latin, but are written in Greek. (and some are the other way around) This is really interesting, as these are phonetic transcriptions. For example, we see the dipthong ae rendered as restored classicists would have us render it on one inscription, and with a simple E in another. We find the accusative ending is simply not there - evidence for it's simply being a nasalisation?
Has anyone done any work on these…
Added by Latinum Institute on February 6, 2009 at 2:09pm —
Added by Andrew Reinhard on February 6, 2009 at 6:30am —
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Here are the lyrics for the two Latin rock and roll songs I posted recently. The translations were prepared by former 8th grade Latin students of mine, and I did the recordings as practice tracks for our big Latin rock show in 2007. The recordings can be streamed on my page. (Parentheses indicate elision)
Libere Concido
Tomius Minutus
Est bona, amat matrem
Amat Iesum et Americam
Est bona, d(e) Elve cerrita
Amat equos, atqu(e)…
Added by Charles Umiker on February 1, 2009 at 12:30pm —
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I had an idea today - a collaborative Classics podcast:
How would it work?
A new account would created at Mypodcast, for a podcast called CLASSICS. Anyone who wanted to contribute to it, would be given the username and password to access the podcast for uploading material.
What would be on it?
Anything related to Latin or Greek, from any time period. Readings from classical texts in translation or in the original, or both, episodes on a topic of interest, grammar…
Added by Latinum Institute on February 1, 2009 at 11:00am —
eClassics Demographic Study
Prepared by Andrew Reinhard
January 29, 2009
eClassics was joined by its 1,000th member on January 28, 2009. As founder and site administrator, I wanted to break down the numbers regarding the site’s membership according to age, geography, teaching experience, and the like, to take a snapshot of Classics pedagogy in the Digital Age.
Argentina, 3
Australia, 11
Added by Andrew Reinhard on January 29, 2009 at 1:06pm —
Ninging in the Latin Classroom
Bob Patrick, NBCT-Latin
Parkview High School
Lilburn, GA
Under the extremely good guidance of Laura Gibbs, I decided over the Winter Holidays to set up a Ning for my AP Vergil Class and for my Latin 3-Honors class which is beginning a venture into Roman Comedy which will stretch into their Latin 4 year. I had heretofore used Blogs with my upper level students in AP Latin Lit and Vergil to have students do their essay writing. Sometimes…
Added by Robertus Patricius on January 28, 2009 at 7:22am —
was Founded on 31 January 2008 - hard to think, almost a year has flowed by since then.
The site has as of now, 777 members, with more joining every single day.
NING added a chatroom to the site a month ago, and this has made a huge difference to the site. People are using the chatroom every day, forming friendships with others across the globe, in Latin. This built-in chatroom is far more successful than the remote chatroom we tried to run…
Added by Latinum Institute on January 26, 2009 at 6:43am —
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This study speaks for itself - if the brain is using facial movement as a cue, then it seems to make sense that giving the brain access to these cues would make learning the language easier, as the brain would have an easier time recognising words. Reading out loud, and speaking, would elicit these responses.
Here is the review of the study:
Feeling Your Words: Hearing With Your Face
ScienceDaily (Jan. 26, 2009) — The movement of facial…
Added by Latinum Institute on January 26, 2009 at 5:05am —
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All the videos look so fun and interesting, and I can't watch any of them. Very frustrating. They appear to load, then there's a script error and I get nothing. Sigh. I'll keep trying.
Added by Pam Koleszar on January 15, 2009 at 7:28am —
1 Comment
We are so eager to hear what viewers and listeners think. Enjoy the talks and I look forward to your feedback!
Added by Chris Ann Matteo on January 13, 2009 at 4:20am —
WiZiQ is a web-based platform for anyone and everyone who wants to teach and learn live, online. Teachers and students use WiZiQ for its state-of-the-art virtual classroom, to create and share online educational content and tests, and to connect with persons having similar subject interests.…
Added by Mark Cruthers on January 3, 2009 at 7:32pm —
1 Comment
2009 marks an important milestone in Latinum's short 2 years online - today the 3 millionth audio file download was passed. I remember when I started the podcast, and twenty downloads a day was a big deal. Now, from 6,000 to 15, 000 audio file downloads a day is the norm. I am still uploading episodes from the Adler textbook. This takes time, and my uploading lags behind the content already recorded, but the task is nearing completion, and soon, after 2 years of almost daily effort, the entire…
Added by Latinum Institute on December 31, 2008 at 10:29pm —
For facebook/reception studies lovers :)
Added by Anna Foka on December 28, 2008 at 8:55am —
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En protestsida mot att klassiska språk vid NTNU är lagt ner, delvis eller i sin helhet. Ska fungera som ett öppet forum med den avsikt att återupprätta gammalgrekiskt och latin vid NTNU.
Haec est pagina ablationem et partim et totaliter linguarum antiquarum disciplinae de Universitate Trondempnis querenda. sit forum apertum, cuius consilium, nobis Graecum Latiumque referantur.
ἥδ' εστὶ σελὶς διαμαρτυρομένη μὴ καταλῦσαι ἢ μέρος τ' ἢ παντελῶς τὴν ἐπιμέλειαν τῶν τῶν πάλαι…
Added by Anna Foka on December 28, 2008 at 8:51am —
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Following on a post by Laura Gibbs posted on Latinteach, about reading material in Latin, and comprehensible input, I have this to add:
One thing we need, to promote and advance Latin, are a large number of very basic childrens books, in Latin. Not enough of these exist. Books as basic as those produced for 2 and 3 year olds, mostly pictures, with only a few words. We need tens, hundreds, of books like these. I believe there would be a market for them, with parents who want to give…
Added by Latinum Institute on December 24, 2008 at 8:46am —
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to announce the official launch of its new, Latin grammar review website,
Looking at Latin Online.
Based on Anna Andresian's visual Latin grammar primer,
Looking at Latin, the website contains 5,717 Andresian-authored questions on all aspects of Latin grammar, edited by LeaAnn Osburn and Don Sprague, and "adapted for the screen"…
Added by Andrew Reinhard on December 18, 2008 at 10:37am —
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I am posting this note that was sent to the Illinois Classics list yesterday on behalf of Dave Johnson, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale:
As many of you closer to Chicagoland than I here in deepest Southern Illinois have no doubt already heard, the Classics program at UIC is under threat:,CST-NWS-classics14.article
We all…
Added by Andrew Reinhard on December 16, 2008 at 9:30am —
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The results of this study are worth knowing about, especially to help kids learn vocab etc.
Even though forgetting is such a common occurrence, scientists have not reached a consensus as to how it happens. One theory is that information simply decays from our memory—we forget things because too much time has passed. Another idea states is that forgetfulness occurs when we confuse an item with other items that we have previously…
Added by Latinum Institute on December 15, 2008 at 3:37pm —
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Added by Mark Cruthers on December 15, 2008 at 2:03pm —
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I'd like to ask for people's help in setting some priorities and strategies for the auxiliary materials I'm developing for my "Aesop's Fables in Latin" textbook (now listed as
forthcoming at Bolchazy-Carducci - it will be out in January!). The book contains glossary and vocabulary lists and notes for each fable - but I'll be developing a wide range of materials online that were either too bulky to include in the book (detailed grammar commentary,…
Added by Laura Gibbs on December 13, 2008 at 1:34pm —
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