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Jul 3, 2020
Latinum Institute posted a discussion

Nutting's 'Ad Alpes' Latin Audiobook

Ad Alpes: a Tale of Roman Life is a  Latin reader for intermediate students.It was originally published in 1923. The story is held together by the narrative conceit of a journey from Ephesus in Asia Minor, where the father, Publius Cornelius, had been serving as a government official, back to Italy and then overland to the Alps.On the way, the family travel via Brundisium (Brindisi), visit Rome briefly, and then travel on towards the Alps. During the journey, Cornelius, his wife Drusilla, sons…See More
Jul 2, 2020
Latinum Institute posted photos
Jul 2, 2020
Latinum Institute posted a blog post

Latinum Institute Website Update

The Latinum Institutehas rebuilt its website, making it far easier for students to find the materials in our ever growing catalogue.Latinum started as a podcast in 2006, and over the period 2006 to 2008, the Adler Latin Language structured immersion course was developed and produced.This is a complete Latin course, and has over 190 hours of Latin tuition in audio. Student difficulties have been addressed and at every…See More
Jul 2, 2020
Latinum Institute updated their profile
Jul 2, 2020
Latinum Institute posted a photo


The Vulgate Psalms in Classical Audiohttps://www.patreon.com/latinum
Jul 18, 2017
Latinum Institute posted a blog post

The Vulgate Psalms in Classical Audio

https://www.patreon.com/latinumNew at Latinum: the Vulgate Psalms in classical audio are now complete. I have also started working on recording versions of Buchanan's Psalm paraphrases, and Castellio's more classical translation. In progress is an audiobook of L'Homond's 'Historiae Sacrae', Maude's 'Julia', and Latin paraphrases by John Stirling (currently I am producing an audio version of his Eutropius…See More
Jul 18, 2017
Latinum Institute posted a discussion

The Vulgate Psalms in Classical Audio

https://www.patreon.com/latinumNew at Latinum: the Vulgate Psalms in classical audio are now complete. I have also started working on recording versions of Buchanan's Psalm paraphrases, and Castellio's more classical translation. In progress is an audiobook of L'Homond's 'Historiae Sacrae', Maude's 'Julia', and Latin paraphrases by John Stirling (currently I am producing an audio version of his Eutropius…See More
Jul 18, 2017

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M.A. in 2nd - 6th Century Jewish Studies, Hebrew/Aramaic, Greek, Latin
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Latinum Institute's Blog

Latinum Institute Website Update

The Latinum Institutehas rebuilt its website, making it far easier for students to find the materials in our ever growing catalogue.

Latinum started as a podcast in 2006, and over the period 2006 to 2008, the Adler Latin Language structured immersion course was developed and produced.

This is a complete Latin course, and…


Posted on July 2, 2020 at 12:04pm

The Vulgate Psalms in Classical Audio


New at Latinum: the Vulgate Psalms in classical audio are now complete. I have also started working on recording versions of Buchanan's Psalm paraphrases, and Castellio's more classical translation. In progress is an audiobook of L'Homond's 'Historiae Sacrae', Maude's 'Julia', and Latin paraphrases by John Stirling (currently I am producing an audio version of his…


Posted on July 18, 2017 at 1:55pm

Latinum is now on Patreon

The internet keeps mutating, and Classical life online needs to change as well. Latinum is now on Patreon.

The Latinum Podcast, which used to be hosted on mypodcast.com, has been offline for a few years,since that company ceased trading.

I have found a solution to having a stable home for the many hundreds of hours of Latin audio, including the mammoth Adler Audio Course; the crowdfunding platform,…


Posted on April 22, 2017 at 6:17pm

De Schola apud SKYPE

Salvete et Vos Consodales,
Si per SKYPEN (Skype) confabulari vis, habemus LOCUTORIUM LATINUM apud Skype, et possis illic confabulari per litteras, picturas ad alios emittere, et viva voce quoque sermonem habere.

Posted on January 8, 2016 at 5:46pm


As the internet has changed markedly since I first opened Schola on NIng, and again on social-go, after Ning hiked their prices to make continuing unviable, I have decided the time has come to close Schola down - people now have whatsapp groups to chat to their friends in Latin, or use Facebook. There is, I believe, currently no need for a dedicated Latin language 'silo' anymore. 

Posted on August 25, 2015 at 4:39pm

Comment Wall (6 comments)

At 10:15pm on July 29, 2007, Laura Gibbs said…
hi Evan, thanks for all you are doing online! I've also found problems in some of the Google Books scans, although when I wrote to the folks there they encouraged me to alert them to defective scans; apparently as they add more and more libraries, that gives them a chance to try a book again and make a better job of it! I am guessing that because of all the problems posed by not being able to use a spellcheck to monitor the quality of the OCR, any book that is mixed languages (like Latin and English in the old school textbooks) must be a real challenge for them. I love all those old schoolbooks online - at Internet Archive I even found an 18th century Aesop textbook for schoolboys - it's a blast! I put reproduced it fable by fable here: Aesop of 1787. What great old stuff!

At 5:18pm on January 16, 2008, Mayer Goldberg said…
שלום אבן:
העברית שלך מענינת, אבל אני לא יודע איך יגיבו החברים האחרים בפורום אם נתכתב בעברית. אם אתה רוצה להתאמן בעברית שלח לי הודעות בדואר אלקטרוני.
לא בדיוק הבנתי את התוכנית ללימוד לטינית המופיעה באתר שלך. מהו אותו ספר של אדלר? "ספר הנסתר" הוא ספר של כת האיסיים, הלא כן? שוב, מה זה קשור ללטינית ולאותו אדלר. כיצד אתה מציע ללמוד מן האתר שלך? פשוט להוריד הקלטות ולהקשיב להם? תודה!
At 5:40pm on January 16, 2008, Mayer Goldberg said…
This is a lovely book! Thanks for the pointer. I read a lot (anything from the Vulgate to neo-Latin) but don't get much chance to speak. I did get Milena Minkova's book on latin composition, and I'm going to try my hand one of her suggestions -- to rewrite existing prose, rather than first try to write original prose from scratch. This seems like a great intermediate level exercise between finishing up the grammar and writing original prose.
At 11:50am on January 30, 2008, Latinum Institute said…
Yes, I watched the video about the session held at Lexington, and I think that the idea of re-writing a piece of prose in different Latin is very useful. I've only been learning Latin 'properly' for just under a year, so I'm not quite there yet. Give me another year at the current pace, and I'll be able to have a go at something like that. I'm a great fan of Adler's book, and it is perfectly suited for turning into a podcast - almost as though it was written for that. It is written according to an oral methodology, so I suppose that is why it works so well in that medium.
At 3:44pm on July 2, 2008, Latinum Institute said…

Si cyberpressōrium tuum super internexum qvī suprā appāret premis, qvadrātum vidēbis ubi "Screen Name" (Nōmen Cybernēticum) inscriptum est. Dēlē "Screen Name", in locum qvōrum verbōrum inscrībe deinceps in qvadrātō textuālī nōmen usōris tuum. Deinde preme cyberpressōrium tuum super spatíolum qvod iuxtā est, ubi verbum ánglicum "Log In" (Inscrībe hīc nōmen tuum ut intrēs) legitur.

Nec cryptographēma necesse est intrōdūcere nec inscriptiōnem ēlectrónicam.

In Locutōriō Virtuālī nostrō cum aliīs colloqviōrum participibus vel microphōnō vel machinā phōtographicā tēlārī vel símplice scriptiōne commūnicāre potes.
At 10:24am on July 4, 2009, Caroline Lawrence said…
Salve, Evan
I'd love to come to your next meeting at Paternoster Square on Thurs 16 July and see what you get up to... Will you be there? Do you FACEBOOK and Tweet? I'm flaviagemina@hotmail.com

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