eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

I don't blog very often, but I am having such a great week at school that I just have to babble about it a bit.

7th grade...amazing. I projected silly clipart pictures onto my whiteboard on Monday and Tuesday, and they were practically falling out of their chairs with enthusiasm to say something about the pictures in Latin. Out of 20 kids, at least 16 hands flew up, and when I finished with all their comments, those same hands were all up again ready to say something else. One highlight: regarding a picture of a pizza delivery boy approaching a door, one kid said, in perfect Latin: "Lucius enters the house and throws the pizza at the man."

6th grade...awesome. We're doing phonetics this week, which will lay a foundation for studying the evolution of Latin from Proto-Indo-European and the relationship of Latin to English. At the end of day 3, they can classify sounds as voiced or voiceless and can define the phonetic characteristics of stops, fricatives, liquids, nasals, vowels, and semivowels. They can also give examples of each.

The best part is that they're doing all this with a smile on their face...no whining about the material being hard or about there being a lot to learn or anything like that.

Over the weekend, I e mailed a bunch of parents whose kids had some trouble on the last quiz, and the parents were all really eager to work with me to help their kids. They are really receptive and ready to support my efforts on their end.

This is a pretty awesome school.

Views: 21

Comment by Laura Gibbs on October 8, 2008 at 10:39pm
Anna, that is so cool that you are doing linguistics with your students!!! I never have time to post about it anymore (Latin is now just a hobby for me; I'm teaching other stuff now) - but I put up some notes about Latin & linguistics at this blog, including something about the joys of voiced and voiceless and the beautiful semivowels!

I would have loved to have had your students in my college Latin classes: I never met any students who had learned that in all their years of high school Latin! Kudos to you!


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