Dear Mr Whalen,
Thank you for your recent response to my reply to your open letter of June 28 2008, on the subject of the Latinum podcast.
You may be interested to know that Latinum is not the only oral Latin podcast type course available online.
There are others:
Seumas MacDonald's LinguaLatinaetGraeca
Laura Gibb's various Latin podcasts ( which have been around far longer, and are far more…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 6, 2008 at 10:30am —
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9400 unique users over this period accessed Latinum.
Added by Latinum Institute on July 4, 2008 at 7:55pm —
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This Washington Post article is about the loss of the AP Italian exam, and references the AP Latin Exam:
Italian American Groups Speak Up to Save AP Language Test
If only we could re-animate Cicero himself, so we'd have an advocate like Mario Cuomo on our side!
Yours, Chris Ann
Added by Chris Ann Matteo on July 3, 2008 at 7:18am —
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I was originally supposed to be going to Dublin for the World Archaeological Congress, to give two papers. Unfortunately, life intervened and I'm not able to go. However, I will be giving one of those presentations anyway, via Second Life in the Art, Archaeology, and Technology: Current Experiments in Interpretation session.
Abstract for Electric Archaeology: Archaeology In, and Archaeology Of, 'Second Life'
"Archaeology is about material culture, about exploring the human…
Added by Shawn Graham on July 2, 2008 at 4:26pm —
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Si cyberpressōrium tuum super internexum qvī suprā appāret premis, qvadrātum vidēbis ubi "Screen Name" (Nōmen Cybernēticum) inscriptum est. Dēlē "Screen Name", in locum qvōrum verbōrum inscrībe deinceps in qvadrātō textuālī nōmen usōris tuum. Deinde preme cyberpressōrium tuum super spatíolum qvod iuxtā est,…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 2, 2008 at 3:46pm —
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Schola now has a brand new chatroom for Latin.
It is a matter of logging on and hoping someone else pops in - if you're online, just keep the window open - Schola now has enough users that eventually someone will pop in.
The chatroom also allows for video and microphone, or just the usual typing.
There is a link to the chatroom on Schola's main page:
No registration is needed to use it, simply type a name into the 'screen name' box, and click…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 1, 2008 at 8:23am —
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The American Classical League Summer Institute concluded yesterday with the traditional Latin singalong led, as always, by Stan Farrow. As we sang "Guadeamus Igitur" and other chestnuts, I began reflecting on the Insitute's program, and of the many, many teachers I had a chance to speak with regarding technology and teaching Latin and yes, Greek.
To keep with the focus of eClassics, there were a number of technology-themed papers presented, and a number of handouts have been made…
Added by Andrew Reinhard on June 30, 2008 at 8:27pm —
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W.S. Allen, in his “Vox Latina”, dismisses the idea that Latin had a pitch accent, despite the description of this accent in great detail by a number of Roman grammarians writing prior to the fourth century AD. Allen states that the accent is “a minor detail of the Greek”. This would be like saying that the musical accent of Italian was “ a minor detail of Italian”. In fact, the survival of the pitch accent, albeit in modified form, in Italian, and the…
Added by Latinum Institute on June 29, 2008 at 2:30pm —
As promised, here is a round-up of my Latin blogs for the past week.
Latin Via Fables - This week's fables include LaFontaine's Fox and Grapes in Latin, Young Man and Swallow, Wolf and Nurse, Androcles and the Lion, and The Camel and the Lion-King.
Audio Latin Proverbs - This week's essay is about the proverb:
Elephantus culicem non curat.…
Added by Laura Gibbs on June 29, 2008 at 10:30am —
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I had the good fortune to bump into eClassics member Nicholas Young who has been teaching Latin at the high school and university levels for 38 years. It was breakfast-time at the American Classical League Summer Institute, and instead of going to some crazily early pre-conference workshop, we both had the same idea of drinking organic, free-trade coffee (all you can hold, and the only stuff that is offered by the University of New Hampshire), and kibbutzing with friends and colleagues. We…
Added by Andrew Reinhard on June 27, 2008 at 8:57am —
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Summer Round-Up: June 22. This past week I had a FANTASTIC time looking for Latin Aesop's fables at Google Books and other online resources, in lieu of my usual blogging.
GoogleBooks has now scanned enough books from enough libraries that I have been able to pull together a very respectable online collection that represents all the major collections of Aesop's fables in Latin - ancient verse, medieval verse and prose, Renaissance verse and prose, plus all kinds of interesting modern…
Added by Laura Gibbs on June 22, 2008 at 4:30pm —
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5.0 out of 5 stars One of the best Latin textbooks ever published., June 16, 2008
By Alex Sheremet (Brooklyn, NY) - See all my reviews
If you've found this page, you're either lucky or industrious. Adler's "Practical Grammar" is virtually unknown to anyone outside of the spoken Latin movement, and for good reason: it's geared towards building oral fluency, which amounts to spending years on "fake Latin" before moving on to the original texts. Of course, this is how all languages have…
Added by Latinum Institute on June 17, 2008 at 5:36am —
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Summer Round-Up: June 15
As promised, here is a round-up of my Latin blogs for the past week.
Latin Proverb of the Day - This week's proverbs included
Stercus optimum vestigium domini; Hectora quis nosset, si felix Troia fuisset?; In tenebris salto; In pratis ut flos, sic perit omnis honos and
Regnant qualibet urbe lupi.…
Added by Laura Gibbs on June 15, 2008 at 4:14pm —
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Why, why have all of you hastened towards infamy? And why have unsheathed swords been fitted into your hands? Has not enough Latin blood poured upon the field and sea, not so the Roman might burn the proud citadels of envious Carthage, or send unconquered Britain down the Sacred Way in chains, but in answer to the prayers of the Parthians, that this city might kill itself with its own right hand?
Wolves and lions do not exhibit this behavior, except upon other animals, wild though…
Added by Bill Parsons on June 15, 2008 at 11:47am —
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As promised, here is a round-up of my Latin blogs for the past week. I hope everybody is having a great summer!
At the website, I added some audio to accompany both the Latin Via Proverbs book and the Vulgate Verses book.
At the
Vulgate Verses blog, I've commented on the verse
Pascua sunt… Continue
Added by Laura Gibbs on June 8, 2008 at 7:06pm —
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A number of new vocabulary learning resources have recently been made, and are available for free on Schola and Latinum. You can either direct your students to them directly, or save the files to present in other ways. For example, the vocabulary files could be downloaded and burned as Audio CD's and handed out. So could the image files, or they could be loaded onto students' memory sticks for taking home.
Added by Latinum Institute on June 5, 2008 at 4:00am —
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Hi all,
If you're interested in reading some more Latin or Greek over the summer to keep in practice, a few people from another forum I frequent have started some reading groups. For Latin, we're reading Cicero's first speech against Verres. We've only just started, so if you want to join, now's the time! It's a google group, so you need a google account to post:
Latin Reading Group
The Greek group is…
Added by EJ on June 2, 2008 at 10:39am —
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Since the summer is a productive time for me at my various Latin blogs, I'll just be posting here once a week with a summary of the contents of those other blogs, hoping that it might be useful! Here is a list of what I published this week:
Latin Via Fables ( I've added seven new Latin fable types - The Tree and the Reed, Two Men and a Bear, The Old Man and Death, The…
Added by Laura Gibbs on June 1, 2008 at 5:00pm —
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I've just been contacted by a developer of a Latin flashcard set, and pass the reference along to our group for review:
Yours, Chris Ann
Added by Chris Ann Matteo on May 30, 2008 at 9:22am —
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Ὄναγρος καὶ ὄνος
Another fable from Syntipas - check out the GreekAesop wiki for more information about Syntipas and his fables! I've included the text and a segmented version here; for grammar notes and more information, please visit the wiki. You can keep up with the latest Bestiaria posts by using the RSS feed, or you can…
Added by Laura Gibbs on May 28, 2008 at 2:19pm —
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