eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

January 2008 Blog Posts (24)

Fable of the Day: De asino tubicine et lepore tabellario

Title: De asino tubicine et lepore tabellario: The Donkey Trumpeter and the Rabbit Courier, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Leo, rex quadrupedum, adversus volucres pugnaturus, suorum acies instruebat. Interrogatus autem ab urso, quid ei asini inertia aut leporis timiditas ad victoriam conferre possent, quos ibi inter ceteros milites adesse cernebat, respondit: asinus tubae… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 31, 2008 at 8:11pm — No Comments


Cogito nos artem scribendi ediscimus.

Utcunque res est, errandum est nobis. Trepidus summus. Sed, scribendum est nobis Latine, in loco jucundus, loco qua nemo litteras emendat.

promulgo http://schola.ning.com/

Schola is a new 'safe' place to write in Latin. Only Latin is allowed,

no other language may be written.

You'll only get comments about your grammar on Schola from other users

if you ask for them. Commenting on other users' use of Latin is… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on January 30, 2008 at 11:44am — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De culice et ape

Title: De culice cibum et hospitium ab ape petente: About the gnat asking for food and shelter from the bee, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Culex hiberno tempore cum fame et frigore se periturum coniiceret, ad apum accessit alvearia, ab eis cibum et hospitium petens. Quae si ab eis fuisset consecutus, promittebat filios earum se artem musicam edocturum. Tunc quaedam apis:… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 29, 2008 at 10:35pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De leone et porco

Title: De Leone porcum sibi socium eligente: About the lion choosing the pig as his ally, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Leo, cum socios adsciscere sibi vellet, multaque animalia sese illi adiungere optarent, idque precibus et votis exposcerent, ceteris spretis, cum porco solum societatem voluit inire: rogatus autem causam, respondit: Quia hoc animal adeo fidum est, ut… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 28, 2008 at 8:32pm — No Comments



As I cannot work on Latinum at the moment, due to my recent septum

operation, and further, due to being in post -operative quarantine

-housebound but not bedbound - I have ****lots***** of time on my hands.

I have started to add the very useful work of Comenius
ORBIS SENSUALIUM PICTUS to the Imaginum Vocabularium, using the original… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on January 27, 2008 at 5:08pm — 4 Comments

Fable of the Day: De luscinia et accipitre

Title: De Luscinia cantum accipitri pro vita pollicente: About the nightingale promising to sing for the hawk in exchange for her life, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Luscinia, ab accipitre famelico comprehensa, dummodo se ab eo devorandam esse intelligeret, blande eum rogabat, ut se dimitteret, pollicita pro tanto beneficio ingentem mercedem se relaturam. Cum autem… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 25, 2008 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De sene et iuvene poma surripiente

Title: De sene iuvenem poma sibi surripientem saxis deiiciente: About the old man using rocks to dislodge the young man stealing his apples, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Senex quidam iuvenem sibi poma surripientem blandis orabat verbis ut ex arbore descenderet nec res suas vellet auferre. Sed cum incassum verba funderet, iuvene eius aetatem ac verba contemnente, non in… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 24, 2008 at 8:06pm — No Comments

Virtual Archaeology, virtual Latin?

Members of eLatin eGreek eLearn might be interested in something I'm working on right now - virtual archaeology. I've been posting updates/discussion over at my main blog, but the relevant links are below:

Archaeology in Second Life: Where to begin?

Planning… Continue

Added by Shawn Graham on January 24, 2008 at 10:52am — 1 Comment

Carpe Praedam on World of Warcraft!

I started a new guild in World of Warcraft two days ago. The guild is called Carpe Praedam (seize the booty/loot/lewt/1007) and is intended to be Latin-only. Players in the guild are encouraged to speak/chat in Latin while playing and campaigning together. This is great practice for conversational Latin, learning Latin military terms, and out-geeking the geeks in-game. At this writing, we have three players on the charter (we need ten to become… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on January 24, 2008 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Fable of the Day: De adolescente et lupo

Title: De adolescente ex coitu infirmo et lupo: About the young man exhausted by having sex and the wolf, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Adolescens quidam uxorem duxerat et ipsam quoque adolescentulam, formosam admodum et libidinosam, cuius effrenae libidini dum satisfacere cupit, ita lumbos exhausit, ut paucis post diebus macilentus fieret et mortuo magis quam vivo similis… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 23, 2008 at 5:17pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De rustico et haedulo

Title: De rustico per vocem haedi ad iuriscultum admisso: About the farmer who was admitted to the lawyer's office thanks to the voice of a goat, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Rusticus quidam, gravi lite implicitus, ad quendam iurisconsultum accesserat, ut eo patrono sese explicaret. At ille, negotiis impeditus, renuntiari iubet, se non posse nunc illi vacare, quare abiret… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 22, 2008 at 7:41pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De equo inculto sed veloci

Title: De equo inculto sed veloci et ceteris eum irridentibus: About the shabby, but speedy, horse, and the other horses who mocked him, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Equi complures ad circenses ludos fuerant adducti pulcherrimis phaleris ornati, praeter unum, quem ceteri ut incultum et ad huiusmodi certamen ineptum irridebant, nec umquam victorem futurum opinabantur. Sed… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 18, 2008 at 12:55pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De lepore et vulpe

Title: De lepore calliditatem et vulpe celeritatem a Iove petentibus: About the rabbit who asked Jupiter to make him sly and the fox who asked to be swift, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Lepus et Vulpes a Iove petebant: haec ut calliditati suae pedum celeritatem ille ut velocitati suae calliditatem adiungeret. Quibus Iupiter ita respondit ab origine mundi e sinu nostro… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 17, 2008 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De vulpe, cane et lepore

Title: De vulpe carnem leporis cani laudante: About the fox who told the dog how good the rabbit's flesh was, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Vulpes, cum fugaretur a cane, et iamiam esset capienda, nec ullam aliam evadendi viam invenire se posse cognosceret: Quid me, inquit, O canis, perdere cupis, cuius caro tibi usui esse non potest? Cape potius leporem illum (non procul… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 15, 2008 at 12:46pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: Vir amicos experiri volens

Title: De viro amicos experiri volente: The man who wanted to test his friends, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Vir quidam dives admodum et liberalis magnam habebat amicorum copiam, quos ad cenam saepissime invitabat, ad quam libentissime accedebant. Volens autem experiri, an in laboribus et periculis sibi fideles essent, omnes pariter convocavit, dicens obortos sibi… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 14, 2008 at 1:11pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: Vulpes et Aquila

I've tried a new experiment (the new year seems a good excuse for new experiments), creating a video to go with one of the fables from Barlow's Aesop, the story of the fox and the eagle. The video contains my reading of the fable (see here some notes about Why I Read Latin Out Loud), and it is illustrated with four different depictions of the fable, taken from the various illustrated Aesops at my… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 11, 2008 at 1:52pm — No Comments

Wikis and Blogs in Middle School Latin

Below is a portion of an email I sent regarding the use of technology in my Middle School Latin classes:

My students (middle school aged) participate in Wiki translations and Blog composition exercises through my schools private website as well as create their own PowerPoint presentations and upload notes, etc. to my private SharePoint site. These exercises not only help them become more acquainted with the different computer resources, but it also allows them to have peer feedback…


Added by elise.montgomery on January 11, 2008 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

Fable of the Day: De auriga et rota currus stridente

Title: De auriga et rota currus stridente: The driver and the cart-wheel that squeaked, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Auriga interrogabat currum, quare rota, quae erat deterior, strideret, cum ceterae idem non facerent. Cui currus: Aegroti, inquit, semper morosi, et quaeruli esse consueverunt. Haec indicat fabula, mala solere homines ad querimoniam semper… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 10, 2008 at 9:16am — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De Ove pastori convitiante

Title: De Ove pastori convitiante: The sheep criticizing the shepherd, by Abstemius

Latin Text:

Ovis conviciabatur pastori, quod non contentus lacte, quod in usum suum filiorumque ab ea mulgebat, insuper eam vellere denudaret. Tunc pastor iratus filium eius trahebat ad mortem. Ecquid, inquit ovis, peius mihi facere potes? Ut te, inquit pastor, occidam et lupis… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 9, 2008 at 4:04pm — No Comments

Anselm goes 1337

A propos of the Anselm reading group that starts, me ducente, this week on Latin Study, I found this deliciously geeky tidbit on one of the LiveJournal communities:

St. Anselm in a nerd chatroom by dracsmith

chatroom: Monster Mania

mecha1989: Hey, what if Mothra could breathe in outer space?

ranmasux: Dude! That would roxxor. What if he could breathe in outer space AND…

Added by Raphaela on January 9, 2008 at 3:45am — 2 Comments

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