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November 2007 Blog Posts (23)

Holiday Song: Veni veni Emmanuel

For the 2008 Christmas carols, visit the Gaudium Mundo blog.

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 30, 2007 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Holiday Song: Procul in Praesaepi

For the 2008 Christmas carols, visit the Gaudium Mundo blog.

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 29, 2007 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Holiday Song: Gaudium Mundo

For the 2008 Christmas carols, visit the Gaudium Mundo blog.

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 28, 2007 at 6:00pm — No Comments

"Kid, you fell in the milk."

Who says rock music can't teach you anything? During my Thanksgiving visit to Arizona State University, I was recently regifted a CD by California accouti-rockers the Mountain Goats called Zopilote Machine and on the back of the case was printed the curious phrase, "Kid you fell in the milk". Classical attribution anyone? In the liner notes for this album (as with the band's other releases) comes a mixture of Latin and English, including this… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 28, 2007 at 9:10am — No Comments

Holiday Song: Regis Olim Urbe David

For the 2008 Christmas carols, visit the Gaudium Mundo blog.

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 27, 2007 at 7:30pm — No Comments

New Anselm reading group on Latinstudy

I will be coordinating a reading group for Anselm's Proslogion on Latinstudy starting in the second week of January. I've been wanting to read this text for some time now, and was delighted to find that quite a lot of people on the list are interested as well. If anyone in this network is… Continue

Added by Raphaela on November 26, 2007 at 4:53am — No Comments

Holiday Song: Angelus ad Virginem

For the 2008 Christmas carols, visit the Gaudium Mundo blog.

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 26, 2007 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

Holiday Song: Rudolphus

For the 2008 Christmas carols, visit the Gaudium Mundo blog.

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 25, 2007 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Fable of the Day: De vitula et bove (Barlow)

Mollis et lasciva Vitula, cum Bovem agricolae aculeo agitatum et arantem cerneret, contempsit. Sed cum immolationis dies affuit, Bos, a iugo liberatus, per pascua vagabatur. Vitula vero, ut immolaretur, retenta est. Quod cum Bos conspicatur, subridens ait, "Heus Vitula, ideo non laborabas: ut immolareris!"

You will notice a new format here! This is because I am now finalizing materials for the

edition of Aesop's fables that I'll be publishing

with Bolchazy-Carducci,… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 16, 2007 at 7:34pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De cicada et formica (Barlow)

Dum per aestatem Cicada cantat, Formica suam exercet messem, trahendo in antra grana et in hiemem reponendo. Saeviente autem bruma, famelica Cicada venit ad Formicam et mendicat victum; renuebat autem Formica, dictitans sese laborasse, dum illa cantabat.

You will notice a new format here! This is because I am now finalizing materials for the

edition of Aesop's fables that I'll be publishing

with Bolchazy-Carducci, based on Barlow's Aesop of 1687.

Here is the… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 14, 2007 at 9:51pm — No Comments

Luna collucente (aka Au clair de la lune)

Luna collucente

Quidam clamitat:

"Stilum ad scribendum

Quisnam mihi dat?

Exstincta candela

Lumen deest mi;

Pro amore Dei,

Portam aperi!"

Luna collucente

Hoc responsum fit:

"Aperire nolo

Nox cum atra sit.

Vigilat vicina,

Ab illa quaeras

Calamum ut scribas

Tuas litteras."

Luna collucente

Ad vicinam it

Lumen rogaturus,

Portamque ferit.

"Quis es tu qui pulsas

Extra ianuas?"

"Pro amoris deo,

Me… Continue

Added by Raphaela on November 14, 2007 at 2:29pm — 1 Comment

Rubric for assessing historical scenario-building for Civilization

One of the things that always amazes me about playing Civilization IV (or indeed, just about any game you’d care to name) is what might be called the

‘metagame’ - the discussions on the forums, the fansites, the

user-created mods. It seems to me that this is one of the most

important aspects of the educational use of commercial games. On

Civfanatics, there is a discussion entitled ‘…


Added by Shawn Graham on November 14, 2007 at 10:43am — 9 Comments

Fable of the Day: De leone, asino et gallo (Barlow)

Gallus aliquando cum Asino pascebatur, Leone autem aggresso Asinum, Gallus exclamavit, et Leo, qui Galli vocem timet, fugere incipit. Asinus, ratus propter se fugere, aggressus est Leonem; ut vero procul a gallicinio persecutus est, conversus Leo Asinum devoravit, qui moriens clamabat, "Iusta passus sum, ex pugnacibus enim non natus parentibus, quamobrem in aciem irrui?"

You will notice a new format here! This is because I am now finalizing materials for the

edition of… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 12, 2007 at 6:10pm — No Comments

APA Computer Committee: Then and Now and What We Can Do About It

In the 1970s, the American Philological Association (APA) formed its Computer Committee, which was given this charge:

"Committee on Computer Activities. This committee is responsible for monitoring new developments

in the field of computer technology which are applicable

to pedagogy, research, and communication at all levels of

the Classics… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 12, 2007 at 2:25pm — 1 Comment

A bit of a place-holder, really.Let's see how it goes and how long it takes to start posting in Latin.

A bit of a place-holder, really.
Let's see how it goes and how long it takes to start posting in Latin.

Added by Ursus Maritimus on November 10, 2007 at 11:14am — 1 Comment

Fable of the Day: De cornice et urna (Barlow)

Sitibunda Cornix reperit urnam aqua plenam, sed erat urna profundior quam ut exhauri a Cornice possit. Conatur igitur vano molimine aquam effundere, sed non valet. Lectos igitur ex arena lapillulos iniectat. Hoc modo aqua levatur et Cornix bibit.

You will notice a new format here! This is because I am now finalizing materials for the

edition of Aesop's fables that I'll be publishing

with Bolchazy-Carducci, based on Barlow's Aesop of 1687.

Here is the… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 9, 2007 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De leone et urso (Barlow)

Leo et Ursus, simul magnum adepti Hinnulum, de eo concertabant. Graviter autem a se ipsis affecti, ut ex multa pugna etiam vertigine corriperentur, defatigati iacebant. Vulpes interea, circumcirca eundo ubi prostratos eos vidit et Hinnulum in medio iacentem, hunc, per utrosque percurrendo, rapuit fugiensque abivit. At illi videbant quidem furacem Vulpem sed, quia non potuerunt surgere, "Eheu, nos miseros," dicebant, "quia Vulpi laboravimus."

You will notice a new format here!… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 7, 2007 at 7:05pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day: De anu et ancillis (Barlow)

Anus quaedam domi habebat complures Ancillas, quas quotidie, antequam lucesceret, ad Galli gallinacei, quem domi alebat, cantum excitabat ad opus. Ancillae tandem, quotidiani negotii commotae taedio, Gallum obtruncant, sperantes iam, necato illo, sese in medios dormituras dies. Sed haec spes miseras frustrata est. Hera enim, ut interemptum Gallum rescivit, Ancillas intempesta nocte surgere deinceps iubet.

You will notice a new format here! This is because I am now finalizing… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on November 6, 2007 at 6:10pm — No Comments

Roman and US history

I am trully fascinated by some simularities between the 'Fall of Rome' (Rome and its culture are still very much alive (I just got back from there!) and the present state of the US. I have researching the topic extensively and the more I know, the more I am amazed by the samenessess. Any thoughts or common bonds?

Added by Loran Carrier on November 6, 2007 at 9:39am — 3 Comments

Classical Journal (CAMWS) Publishes Up-to-the-Minute Guide to Classics Programs and More!

The goal of many Classics students is to gain an advanced degree in philology and/or archaeology. To that end, the good people over at the Classical Journal have provided a comprehensive list of graduate study programs both in North America and abroad. They have also published on-line a comprehensive guide on how and where to present scholarly papers at conferences. Both of these outstanding resources can be found by clicking… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 5, 2007 at 10:02am — No Comments

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