Following on a post by Laura Gibbs posted on Latinteach, about reading material in Latin, and comprehensible input, I have this to add:
One thing we need, to promote and advance Latin, are a large number of very basic childrens books, in Latin. Not enough of these exist. Books as basic as those produced for 2 and 3 year olds, mostly pictures, with only a few words. We need tens, hundreds, of books like these. I believe there would be a market for them, with parents who want to give their children a head start with Latin, and in the growing homeschooling movement.
These need to have macrons, and, if possible, an accompanying audio file.
Very basic books are needed, the Latin equivalents of "Janet and John". Things like "Look, John, look! See Janet See" Look how it runs" etc etc.
A site where it would be possible to upload books you or your class have made, is:
This site hosts thousands of out of copyright childrens books, and new books uploaded by authors. Simply translating an existing book is an option.
This could actually be a good project for an advanced Latin class, who would then as a whole class edit the work, after all working on it
together. Some teachers out there who use Latin in more active ways, might find this a useful possible would also get the kids into the computer rooms, where they would have to design the book, its layout, etc.
Computers are a motivator for learning.
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