eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

Andrew Reinhard's Blog (78)

Seeking Latin Speakers for Second Life Workshop, Nov. 21, 10:45-12:15 GMT

I will be leading a workshop in how to use Second Life as a practical pedagogical tool for practicing oral Latin. The workshop will include instruction on how to install and activate real-time audio fro Second Life, how to chat, how to record machinima, and will culminate in a real-time, in-world demonstration of conversational Latin within this virtual environment.

This workshop is part of the Re:LIVE '08 conference being held at the Open University in Milton Keynes, England, of… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 3, 2008 at 12:21pm — No Comments

Medieval and Vulgate Latin Textbooks and Online Summer School

With the launch of Latin for the New Millennium in support of 1st- and 2nd-year Classical Latin studies, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is interested in doing either a textbook or online course for students interested in Medieval and/or Vulgate Latin. After speaking with hundreds of Medievalists at Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo over the past few years, I have learned that Medieval Studies graduate… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 3, 2008 at 10:43am — 3 Comments

New and Updated Educational Materials Now Available from the Campanian Society!

The Campanian Society's educational materials for Latin, Greek and Greek and Roman Civilization websites have been updated:

Website: http://www.campanian.org

E-mail: campania@hvc.rr.com

Below are the specific links to the various web pages available on Campanian Society website.

Off-Prints of Articles by Authors on Classical Subjects: Latin, Greek, Art, Archaeology,… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 3, 2008 at 11:04am — No Comments

eClassics Party at AIA/APA?

I have gotten a couple of recent queries asking if eClassics is planning on doing anything special at the joint annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association (AIA/APA) in Philadelphia, Jan. 8-11, 2009. Now that eClassics has nearly 900 members, we could viably hold our own conference, but I'd like to start with an informal get-together where we can eat, drink, be… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 3, 2008 at 10:14am — 1 Comment

Breaking News: College Board statement on AP Latin Literature, Sept. 18, 2008

New from the College Board:

AP Latin Literature

We at the College Board value the study of Latin just as we value the study of other subjects ranging from biology to German to art history, for each of which we offer one high-quality AP Examination. We want to provide the same level of support for Latin as we do for other AP subject reas, but this entails focusing our efforts on one rather than two separate P Latin courses. It is the opinion of our World Languages Academic… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on September 18, 2008 at 11:50am — 10 Comments

"Latin undergoing a resurgence among students" article in Staten Island Advance, 3 August

Thanks to Ronnie Ancona for this link to an article about increasing Latin enrollments in the state of New York:


Added by Andrew Reinhard on August 4, 2008 at 10:23am — No Comments

American Classical League, 2008: To Infinitive and Beyond!

The American Classical League Summer Institute concluded yesterday with the traditional Latin singalong led, as always, by Stan Farrow. As we sang "Guadeamus Igitur" and other chestnuts, I began reflecting on the Insitute's program, and of the many, many teachers I had a chance to speak with regarding technology and teaching Latin and yes, Greek.

To keep with the focus of eClassics, there were a number of technology-themed papers presented, and a number of handouts have been made… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on June 30, 2008 at 8:27pm — No Comments

Old(er) Teachers, New(er) Technology: An Informal ACL Breakfast Chat

I had the good fortune to bump into eClassics member Nicholas Young who has been teaching Latin at the high school and university levels for 38 years. It was breakfast-time at the American Classical League Summer Institute, and instead of going to some crazily early pre-conference workshop, we both had the same idea of drinking organic, free-trade coffee (all you can hold, and the only stuff that is offered by the University of New Hampshire), and kibbutzing with friends and colleagues. We… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on June 27, 2008 at 8:57am — No Comments

10 Excellent On-Line Applications for the Innovative Teacher

I found this link when reviewing recent eLearning literature, finding existing and emerging technologies to work with within the context of Classics. While there is nothing in the list dedicated specifically to either Latin/Greek or languages in general, I found a few things that will be helpful to teachers who want to explore new on-line tools for interacting with students in new ways, managing classes, managing… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on May 21, 2008 at 11:05am — No Comments

Report on the AP Latin Literature meeting, CAMWS, April 17, 2008

Report of AP Latin from CAMWS

Thursday, April 17, 2008, 8-10 PM

One of the two evening sessions on April 17 at CAMWS focused on AP Latin, specifically the results of the two 2007 exams, how the exams were created, and how they were graded. The three panelists included Mary Pendergraft, Dawn La Fon, and Wells Hansen. At the start of the session, Pendergraft stated that there would be plenty of time at the end for questions about AP Latin Literature, which turned out to be a solid… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on April 18, 2008 at 6:03pm — 1 Comment

Open Letter from Ronnie Ancona re: AP Latin Literature Cancellation

The following letter was written by Ronnie Ancona in response to an urgent e-mail from Judy Hallett to the APA Board and some others (like Ronnie) involved in AP. Now posted on Latinteach and Classics list:

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to Judy for calling this matter to your attention. I was truly stunned by this announcement. There seem to be three issues involved, (1) the announced change itself (2) the lack of professional consultation and (3) the lack of lead time for… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on April 4, 2008 at 8:48am — 2 Comments

eClassics Members Selected for Venice Conference on Classics Pedagogy

Dr. Lisa St. Louis and Dr. Shawn Graham, both eClassics members as well as teachers at Robert Welch University, have had their proposal selected for the Meeting the Challenge conference to be held this summer in Venice, Italy. To learn more about their proposal and the conference, click here.

Please join me in extending a warm congratulations to both Lisa and Shawn who are doing truly marvelous things in… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on February 4, 2008 at 4:08pm — 1 Comment

Carpe Praedam on World of Warcraft!

I started a new guild in World of Warcraft two days ago. The guild is called Carpe Praedam (seize the booty/loot/lewt/1007) and is intended to be Latin-only. Players in the guild are encouraged to speak/chat in Latin while playing and campaigning together. This is great practice for conversational Latin, learning Latin military terms, and out-geeking the geeks in-game. At this writing, we have three players on the charter (we need ten to become… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on January 24, 2008 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Digital Demosthenes AIA/APA Roundtable

Dr. Jennifer Sheridan Moss of Wayne State University and I co-led a lunchtime roundtable discussion on technology and teaching Latin/Greek at the 2008 annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and American Philological Society. Six teachers (one junior high, one college, four high school), one entrepreneur, and one college student joined us to fill the table. The 90-minute discussion covered everything from iPods/podcasting to Second Life to on-line flashcards and Internet-only… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on January 7, 2008 at 2:32pm — No Comments

R.I.P. Livia, Empress of Rome

My wife's cat, Livia, Empress of Rome, whom I adopted through marriage, died on Christmas Day after battling diabetes for eight years, and cancer. She was sixteen. Like her namesake, Livia (aka Kitty) was evil incarnate until the birth of Rhiannon at which point she became a nurturing, well-mannered lap-cat. Her Latin pronunciation of ligatures and of diphthongs was remarkable, although her vocabulary was limited. Livia also attended at least two AIA/APA annual meetings, entertaining guests to… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on December 26, 2007 at 10:07am — 2 Comments

"Kid, you fell in the milk."

Who says rock music can't teach you anything? During my Thanksgiving visit to Arizona State University, I was recently regifted a CD by California accouti-rockers the Mountain Goats called Zopilote Machine and on the back of the case was printed the curious phrase, "Kid you fell in the milk". Classical attribution anyone? In the liner notes for this album (as with the band's other releases) comes a mixture of Latin and English, including this… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 28, 2007 at 9:10am — No Comments

APA Computer Committee: Then and Now and What We Can Do About It

In the 1970s, the American Philological Association (APA) formed its Computer Committee, which was given this charge:

"Committee on Computer Activities. This committee is responsible for monitoring new developments

in the field of computer technology which are applicable

to pedagogy, research, and communication at all levels of

the Classics… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 12, 2007 at 2:25pm — 1 Comment

Classical Journal (CAMWS) Publishes Up-to-the-Minute Guide to Classics Programs and More!

The goal of many Classics students is to gain an advanced degree in philology and/or archaeology. To that end, the good people over at the Classical Journal have provided a comprehensive list of graduate study programs both in North America and abroad. They have also published on-line a comprehensive guide on how and where to present scholarly papers at conferences. Both of these outstanding resources can be found by clicking… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 5, 2007 at 10:02am — No Comments

"A Polis of Pixels: Social Networking for Classics Instructors" article published

Two weeks ago I

authored a brief case study about our very own eClassics social network. I'm

pleased to report that this case study has been published on-line as

part of the Higher Education Academy for History, Classics, and

Archaeology (UK). Read the article by clicking here.

More to come as I prepare my papers for APA (US) and… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on November 2, 2007 at 9:29am — No Comments

On-Line Courses on How to Use/Create Podcasts, Wikis, and Second Life for Education

The Consultants-E is an educational company specializing in distance learning and foreign language study. They do offer on-line courses, many of which are given on the island of EduNation2 in Second Life. I received their course schedule this morning and thought I would pass it on to you if you are interested in learning more about wikis, podcasts, and educating via Second Life.


Dates: 15 - 30 November 2007

Time: 10 hours… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 30, 2007 at 8:52am — 3 Comments



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