et dimittebant milli Regiae Puellae…
More wired than a Roman Internet café
Eutropii - Breviarium Historiae Romanae Liber I ad VI 2012 3 hours 24 minutes of audio Books 1 to 6 - from the founding of Rome to the assassination of Julius… |
Added by Latinum Institute on June 30, 2012 at 4:16pm — No Comments
Cornelius Nepos - The Great Leaders - Student's Audio - Hamiltonian Text (2012) Duration: 7 hours 40 minutes Latin only - to be listened to along with the English pdf text. The recording follows the Hamiltonian text, which is an English interlinear text, with the Latin word order slightly adjusted to make a running English translation… |
Added by Latinum Institute on June 30, 2012 at 4:15pm — No Comments
Hello everyone!! I thought I'd post a bit about myself: I'm the mother of 6, and we homeschool our children in the Classical model (more or less... I'm not a purist for sure). At the moment, I have 2 in the Grammar stage, and one moving into Dialetic/Logic. We teach our children Latin now, and we're getting into our study of Greek. My oldest two have learned the Greek alphabet and phonics, but I'm having trouble finding an appropriate Greek curriculum for them. In my perfect world, I…
ContinueAdded by Kristi Kerr on June 20, 2012 at 12:53pm — No Comments
2 hours 23 minutes of audio
This novella is written in simple Latin, and would be suitable for an intermediate student. It is set in America. The vocabulary and general subject matter appears to be setting up a structure for reading Caesar - however, the story stands on its own…
Added by Latinum Institute on May 20, 2012 at 9:21am — No Comments
Eutropii - Breviarium Historiae Romanae Liber I ad VI 3 hours 24 minutes of audio Books 1 to 6 - from the founding of Rome to the assassination of Julius…
Added by Latinum Institute on May 18, 2012 at 10:44am — No Comments
et, volandas, descenduerunt quinque colombae,
et intuierunt mihi,
et volunt dicere mihi aliquidem,
perscurantas oculos meos.
non habebant timorem,
putabant, ego intellegibo totum...
fuit unum miraculum.
Ivan Petryshyn
Added by Ivan Petryshyn on May 13, 2012 at 1:58pm — No Comments
1. lux nascit de obscurite
2. lux durat donec habet ea vehemantiam
3. cum vehementiam, desinet, lux demittet, et, deinde, extinguet
4. lux transfigurat in obscurito, energiam vertuit in usum
5. quid fiat cum unam novam obscuritam, non scimus
6. addentur, forsam, siat ad obscuritam primam, pro novam enegriam…
ContinueAdded by Ivan Petryshyn on May 12, 2012 at 10:41am — No Comments
GREX -->
eliget -->
cum proprias:
1. ROBUR -->…
ContinueAdded by Ivan Petryshyn on May 11, 2012 at 10:40am — No Comments
Ruthenia rutilabat cum rutis.
In Russiam, ruricolae coltivabant, ut in Italiam, ut in Rutheniam.
Rurigenae in ruribus habitabant, in terras ruthenias et russas, in terras pulchras et audaces.
Rusciticitas fuerunt terrae, sed rusticae fuerunt etiam pulchrae.
Ruthenia et Russia terras ruricolas fuerunt.
ContinueAdded by Ivan Petryshyn on April 30, 2012 at 2:08pm — No Comments
Scythae aut Scythi, filii Coeli,
habitavant sub scutum aut clipeum
(in linguam ucrainam: "sklepinniam") Coeli.
vivebant sub unum scitum, sciti, scitabant,
sciscitandos de toto.
pro bevere usum vertabant scyphi.
sitim habebant pro res novas.
citharas sciebant.
semper citos…
ContinueAdded by Ivan Petryshyn on April 25, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments I recommend to visit the site of Centrum Latinitatis Europae ( where I explain our activities in Genoa. If you click "Risorse", you find a list of useful italian and international sites about Classics.
Added by Andrea Del Ponte on April 24, 2012 at 2:24am — No Comments
dinosauri ova pariabant.
fuerunt hostos hominorum.
ova fuerunt albae.
homines colorabant ovas, et dinosauri non illas recognoscebant, et non illas insidebant.
non exoriebant pullos.
ornamenta salvabant hominis.
ritus ovas colorare fuit unum ritum pro…
Added by Ivan Petryshyn on April 20, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
PASSERI ET COLUMBAE IN IGNO et dimittebant milli Regiae Puellae… |
Added by Ivan Petryshyn on April 14, 2012 at 1:39pm — No Comments
Baptesimus magnae Regiae Puellae Volguae Terrarum Russicarum Caevi,
qui paganam fuit, feravit Regis Domum Byzantii coniratia, homicidia-
dei pagani vendemniabant feravunt res adversas.
et matrimonium Principi Festumillustris (Sviatoslavus) non feravit nihilum bonum: vires et ideata paganesimi detestaverunt ex-paganos et Terrarum Se.
aura paganesii vendicavit cum…
ContinueAdded by Ivan Petryshyn on April 14, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments
Since setting up the site at Payloads, a few new exciting things have happened: Latinum now has over 30 audio products available - including a selection that would be suitable to use for AP Latin for Caesar.
All downloads are from Easter 2012 only $1 each - most are from 3 to 14 hours long, so this is exceptionally good value for money. Most of these products are not available elsewhere.
I have also started to publish my own Serial and Oral Latin Course. The first three…
ContinueAdded by Latinum Institute on April 13, 2012 at 2:45am — No Comments
in meso Vereni, in gradito Caevus, ambulabant veneficus Guarrus et Mellitus, unus peregrinator posteri tempi. in sacco, habebat hic unum speculum mirabilitim. in teremo caputi, grado Tronitri, laborabat ille incantamentos. caligam potebat in oculos inimicis introducere. sciebat transferire hominos in felis. potebat dilaborare hominos.
antisti tueorabant Ignem Peruni.
Totonelidus, dux principi imperabat militantes et Veregos.
Collis Sacrus, Locus Caputi, fuit locum, ubi…
ContinueAdded by Ivan Petryshyn on April 2, 2012 at 2:05pm — No Comments
Catchy, right? WizIQ Wednesday Webinars…you know, WWW, like the World Wide Web, only different…
OK, well, even if you’re not as impressed with my cleverness as I am, this first webcast is worth…
Added by Mark Cruthers on March 20, 2012 at 6:05pm — No Comments
Ahoy digital classics community,
I am reaching out for support for the creation of a digital Latin learning tool, a location-based game set in modern Rome for iOS.
Please check out this project if this sounds like something that might interest you, your students, or peers, and please spread the word to anyone who would be intrigued by this project. Your support would be greatly appreciated, and would help usher in a new wave of learning tools for mobile…
ContinueAdded by Gabe Baker on March 15, 2012 at 12:48am — No Comments
Earn a $125,000 salary and join a team of master teachers at The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School, recently featured on the front page of the New York Times: (
TEP is a 480-student 5th through 8th grade middle school in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City.
Learn more and apply today at…
Added by tepcharter on February 17, 2012 at 4:00pm — No Comments
Added by Latinum Institute on February 16, 2012 at 6:03am — No Comments
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