eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

March 2008 Blog Posts (13)

"hybrid class" that incorporated instructional technology with in-class lectures scored a letter-grade higher on average

The following article caught my eye, as it fits in very much with the ethos of what elatin egreek is trying to achieve - the use of technology in support of lessons.

I teach one Jewish studies class, and obtained very high marks last year, by doing pretty much what is described in the article below: I kept a blog summarising each week's lesson. Student work was posted online on a website, so the students could see each other's work ( after it was due, of course), and I made a… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on March 29, 2008 at 7:19pm — No Comments


I have written and posted a Manifesto on the Classical Languages

Added by Seumas Macdonald on March 27, 2008 at 5:21pm — No Comments

Frustrations for a High School Classics Teacher

It is the end of the third quarter, and my Latin III classes, having labored since February, have not gotten past the First Catilinarian I.8. Block schedules aside, lack of preparation aside, it gets frusrtrating, because the more I look at that speech, the more apparant it is that it is one of the finest written. Its internal coherence, logical flow, and rhetorical flourish display Cicero's mastery. And due to slow progress, these are things that my students will not see. At least not with… Continue

Added by Matthew Moore on March 20, 2008 at 9:21am — No Comments

Latin Podcasting – An Exercise in Outreach This article outlines the origins of the ‘Latinum’ podcast, and its associated support websites, ‘Schola’ (A safe place to write in Latin), and ‘Imaginum V…

Latin Podcasting – An Exercise in Outreach

This article outlines the origins of the ‘Latinum’ podcast, and its associated support websites, ‘Schola’ (A safe place to write in Latin), and ‘Imaginum Vocabularium Latinum’ (A visual vocabulary).

Latinum originated in March 2007, with a few reading’s from Fenton’s “A Child’s First Latin Book’. At this stage, Google’s first scan of Georger Adler’s ‘lost’ textbook for Spoken Latin had not appeared on Google Books. This comprehensive… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on March 20, 2008 at 5:56am — No Comments

PMOGing Research Skills

PMOG: the Passively Multiplayer Online Game. This is a game you play while browsing the internet, going about your daily internet related tasks… think webquest with mines, treasure chests, and quests.

You play the game by adding an extension to your Firefox browser. This browser lets you ’sense’ the game world, the activities overlaid on the plain old mundane net. Then, in the words of the game’s creators:

“This unconventional massively multiplayer online game merges your… Continue

Added by Shawn Graham on March 17, 2008 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day (Greek): The Bull and The Lioness

Ταῦρος, λέαινα καὶ σύαγρος

Another fable from Syntipas - check out the GreekAesop wiki for more information about Syntipas and his fables! I've included the text and a segmented version here; for grammar notes and more information, please visit the wiki. You can keep up with the latest Bestiaria posts by using the RSS feed, or you can…


Added by Laura Gibbs on March 13, 2008 at 8:13pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day (Greek): The Hare and The Fox

Λαγωὸς ἐν φρέατι καὶ ἀλώπηξ

Another fable from Syntipas - check out the GreekAesop wiki for more information about Syntipas and his fables! I've included the text and a segmented version here; for grammar notes and more information, please visit the wiki. You can keep up with the latest Bestiaria posts by using the RSS feed, or you…


Added by Laura Gibbs on March 11, 2008 at 6:36pm — No Comments


Website about the Greco-Roman civilization and its survival up to the present time. Introduction is in English but the webpage is in Catalan.

Added by Ana Ovando on March 10, 2008 at 2:36pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day (Greek): The Raven and The Eagle

Κόραξ ἀετὸν μιμούμενος

Another fable from Syntipas - check out the GreekAesop wiki for more information about Syntipas and his fables! I've included the text and a segmented version here; for grammar notes and more information, please visit the wiki. You can keep up with the latest Bestiaria posts by using the RSS feed, or you can…


Added by Laura Gibbs on March 9, 2008 at 7:37pm — No Comments


A collaborative space for teachers of Classics, made in Spain.

Added by Ana Ovando on March 7, 2008 at 10:58am — No Comments

Fable of the Day (Greek): The Thirsty Pigeon

Περιστερὰ διψῶσα

Another fable from Syntipas - check out the GreekAesop wiki for more information about Syntipas and his fables! I've included the text and a segmented version here; for grammar notes and more information, please visit the wiki. You can keep up with the latest Bestiaria posts by using the RSS feed, or you can…


Added by Laura Gibbs on March 6, 2008 at 7:33pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day (Greek): The Two Roosters and The Eagle

Ἀλέκτορες δύο καὶ ἀετός

Another fable from Syntipas - check out the GreekAesop wiki for more information about Syntipas and his fables! I've included the text and a segmented version here; for grammar notes and more information, please visit the wiki. You can keep up with the latest Bestiaria posts by using the RSS feed, or you can…


Added by Laura Gibbs on March 4, 2008 at 6:17pm — No Comments

Fable of the Day (Greek): The Hunter and The Wolf

Θηρευτὴς καὶ λύκος

Another fable from Syntipas - check out the GreekAesop wiki for more information about Syntipas and his fables! I've included the text and a segmented version here; for grammar notes and more information, please visit the wiki. You can keep up with the latest Bestiaria posts by using the RSS feed, or you can…


Added by Laura Gibbs on March 3, 2008 at 10:55am — No Comments

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