eLatin eGreek eLearn

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I received a query this morning from of professor who is wondering what online resources are available for college-level ancient Greek. Specifically, he's looking for software or accredited, online courses in the subject. What can you all recommend?

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University of Wales, Lampeter has a distance learning program. I haven't looked at it very closely but they may have offerings to fit the need.

Here are the degrees they offer.
Thanks Jeremy! I'll pass that along.

Hi Andrew, my school is no longer offering this online Biblical Greek course which I developed (it was offered once through Religious Studies, but Classics dept. was not keen on that) - but for someone interested in self-study or who just wants some additional study materials online, I left the whole course up here:
It is based on Croy's Biblical Greek book which I think is an EXCELLENT way to learn Greek. I always advocate starting either with Homeric Greek (easier than Attic) or with Biblical Greek (also easier than Attic) - and then adjusting to Attic Greek afterwards if that is what someone wants in particular to read.
Croy's Biblical Greek textbook is my favorite of the Bible-based Greek books. :-)
I did use this before, on the "Drill" parts particularly. I am sure it did help me, if it can do the same to the professor you mentioned:
Ancient Greek Tutorials, by Donald J. Mastronarde with the assistance of the Berkeley Language Center of the University of California, Berkeley.

By the way, I dropped by because I subscribed to the [DIGITALCLASSICIST] and read your invitation to join in, I guess I am the 976th member here since I saw 975 in the /member link, that is contrary to your 976 members statement, I wonder why...
Hmm, My Page says I am #979 though...

Course developed by Dr. Dora Pozzi, University of Houston.

This is a complete course including grammar instruction, translation and composition exercises, with keys, as well as computer drills and audio files for pronunciation.

There are separate urls for each semester.

This course is available for credit in Houston, TX, USA, but Dr. Pozzi used to make arrangements with students outside of Houston who wanted to take the course for credit.
Interested students might contact her on her site.

The course itself is free and available to anyone who wants to do it.









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