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Latinum Institute's Blog – August 2007 Archive (8)

Implementing Latin text messaging as a pedagogical tool

Implementing Latin text messaging as a pedagogical tool

Version 1.3


SMS messaging using the predictive text

input of the T9 dictionary that exists on many models of cell phone/mobile

phone has the potential to be a very

powerful learning tool:

Writing words out into the mobile phone has the advantage of not being mindless repetition for…


Added by Latinum Institute on August 26, 2007 at 7:55am — No Comments


This article is intended for use as a student handout. Please feel free to reproduce it.




Added by Latinum Institute on August 23, 2007 at 7:03pm — 1 Comment

It never rains , it pours.

Two Classical Greek podcasts start up in the same week:

Seumas Macdonald in Australia and I have both started recording podcasts using the Greek Ollendorff , which teaches Classical Greek through the progressive question-answer format invented by Jean Manesca, and popularized by Ollendorff.

: As you may know, I run a small suite of sites using Ollendorff's textbooks:… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on August 23, 2007 at 4:43am — No Comments

History of "Modern Language" Latin teaching.

I've been doing some research into the development of the idea of

teaching the classical languages using modern intuitive methods.

An early 'modern method' teacher, called Jean Manesca, appears to have written the first fully

developed modern language course in the early 1820's - designed for

French, he was keen to see it adopted for the classics, and actively

promoted the idea. His "Oral system of teaching Living Languages Illustrated by a Practical Course of… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on August 14, 2007 at 5:36pm — 3 Comments

Working Hard

Still working hard on the podcasts. I've re-jigged most of the images for Latinum, giving the site a new look. I've used my photos from Berlin and Potsdam, for the most part.

While looking for material to make a Latin-French version of the Latinum podcast, I came across a book by Jean Manesca, which apparently served as the model for Ollendorff. Manesca's appears to have been the first 'intuitive' language course written - the grand-daddy of them all. Ollendorff follows Manesca very… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on August 14, 2007 at 6:26am — No Comments

podcast update - technology

I've just returned from a vacation in Berlin and Potsdam. Lots of neoclassical and baroque architecture....

Today I went to Turnkey on the Charing Cross Road, and bought a new usb microphone to record my podcast with - a Samson C01U - a big clunky thing.

I recorded a couple of episodes, and then realised things were not quite right - after a few hours of messing around trying to get things right, I resorted to google and found the answer I needed on the Audacity pages on… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on August 7, 2007 at 9:55pm — No Comments

more on text/audio interference.

Hi Jeltzz,

Thank you for your comment below.

I think you're pretty much right, and this approach would suit quite a few students. I think having the text available is important for many learners - epsecially for new vocabulary, maybe for pre-audio, or post-audio study or review, but not together at the same time, as you suggest works for yourself.

I also think that the language gets into your head better without exposure to too much text. You need the language to read ther… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on August 7, 2007 at 4:06am — No Comments

Latinum : Podcast Update

lobus disseminuus

Adler XIIII Pensum Quartum Decimum B pg 55 - 58

has just been published
Episodes C and D are on the way - D is being crunched by my computer as I write this entry in… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on August 1, 2007 at 11:28am — No Comments



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