eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

Andrew Reinhard's Blog (78)

Field Report from the Chicago Colloquium for Digital Humanities, Day Two

The second (and final day) of the DHCS Colloquium ran from 9 - 1 and followed a slightly different format than the previous day. Three papers were followed by a panel discussion which was then followed by closing remarks and a thirty-minute near-extempore speech summing up the themes of the conference and asking for what to pursue next year. I'll sum up the important bits (at least to me) first, and then will get a bit shouty at the end. Fair warning.

Today's papers… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 22, 2007 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Field Report from the Chicago Colloquium for Digital Humanities, Day One

The Chicago Colloquium for Digital

Humanities and Computer Science (DHCS)
is the brainchild of Dr.

Martin Mueller, humanist and luminary, who has midwifed such projects

of global importance as the Perseus Project (albeit for English

literature as opposed to Classics) and Wordhoard. 2007

marked the second installment of the conference hosted by

Northwestern… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 21, 2007 at 11:11pm — 1 Comment

Lithuanian Latin Podcasts (Catullus and Horace set to original music)

I discovered a beautiful pair of Latin podcasts from Vilniaus Universitetas' Klasikines Filologijos Katedra (School of Classical Philology), songs sung by Classics student, Julija Butkevičiūtė. The songs feature the full lyrics of Catullus 51 and Horace Odes I.11 and are accompanied by piano. Haunting, spare, and pretty, with good pronunciation to boot!… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 18, 2007 at 10:12am — No Comments

Diogenes v3.1 released: Free Latin/Greek program/database (nb: 64 MB download)

From the Digital Classicist group in the UK:

Announcing the release of version 3.1 of Diogenes, a free program for reading the databases of Latin and Greek texts published on CD-Rom by

the Packard Humanities Institute and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae.

The major new feature in this version is that, thanks to the generosity of the Perseus project, morphological data and dictionaries

for Latin… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 9, 2007 at 9:50am — No Comments

"Integrating ICT into the classics classroom", by Bob Lister

In the summer 2007 issue of The Journal of Classics Teaching, Bob Lister (Cambridge) writes an excellent article on the state of IT (or ICT) in Classics at the high school level, comparing technology use now against an initial survey done in the 1990s. From my experience here in the States, it looks like there is parity between the US and the UK; the questions of integrating IT and Classics for blended pedagogy are universal. Well worth the read. While I could not find an electronic copy freely… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 8, 2007 at 9:21am — No Comments

Going Native (digitally?) in the High School Latin Classroom

I've made a decision. Actually it was Rose Williams who helped me make it. Sometime this fall, yours truly, the eponymous eClassicist himself (and friend to commas), will be going into the contemporary high school Latin classroom. Let it be said that I took a whole lot of German in high school in the 1980s when computers were for programming classes only. I took my Latin in both college and graduate school back when Al Gore was busy inventing the… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on October 5, 2007 at 10:39pm — 1 Comment

On-Line Social Networks and Classics Teachers/Classical Archaeologists

After reading a recent Antiquist discussion list post from eClassics member Sebastian Heath of the American Numismatic Society (and long-time friend of technology) regarding open publishing of the pottery finds of Troy (with colleague Billur Tekkok), I began to think about how one could apply on-line social networks to a variety of Classics cliques. I am currently writing an article on this, but thought I could sum up two major uses for both Classics teachers and archaeologists of any… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on September 30, 2007 at 2:14pm — No Comments

New Blog on Teaching Language in Second Life

August 1, 2007, marked the debut of Avatar Languages, a blog dedicated to the study and theory of teaching language using the virtual world Second Life. Recent posts include links to places to go in Second Life to eavesdrop (and talk with) native languages speakers, teaching English as a second language in Second Life, and creating Second Life-themed webquests. Check the archives on eClassics for past blog… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on September 12, 2007 at 9:48am — No Comments

Latin eLearning game development with Alice 2.0 platform

I downloaded and installed Alice 2.0 yesterday and created my first 30-second animated movie (tribe of Persian zombie mercenaries on the battlefield) to try out many of its features. For those of you who don't know, Alice 2.0 is an open source, versatile, easy-to-use introductory platform for developing 3-D games, movies and virtual worlds. It was developed by Carnegie Mellon University as a toolkit for programmers new to game design, and to introduce… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on September 7, 2007 at 12:06pm — 2 Comments

Response to the AIA/APA Task Force on Electronic Publications' Final Report

The Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association (AIA and APA, respectively) produced a report on electronic publications which included several recommendations on how to better manage electronic scholarship, on-line peer-review, and also included a call to develop "high-quality, non-commercial digital library of Latin texts". The Final Report was released as a PDF file on March 31, 2007, and can be accessed from… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on August 27, 2007 at 9:06am — No Comments

The Use of Moodle and Virtual Reality in Classics Teaching

[Admin's note: Below is a recent post from Dr. Lisa St. Louis -- I wanted to feature it here on the main blog so it wasn't buried in our discussion histories.]

I am attaching the first paragraph of the paper "The use of Moodle and virtual reality in Classics teaching" which was a joint submission by

Dr. Shawn Graham and Dr. Lisa St. Louis of Robert Welch University. Dr.

Graham was not able to join me in Nashville for ACL so I did the honors

for both of us. The slides… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on July 31, 2007 at 6:52am — No Comments

Classics on-line with Robert Welch University

It's a rare thing to be the first in your field to do something, but eClassics members Dr. Lisa St. Louis and Dr. Shawn Graham are planting the flag on the eLearning moon. Both Lisa and Shawn work for Robert Welch University, a distance learning institution where all classes are taught on-line as students work to earn their… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on July 25, 2007 at 3:51pm — No Comments

Course Management Systems, Digital Parity and Latin/Greek

Course Management Systems (CMS) and Learning Management Systems (LMS) are not new to education. Tools like Blackboard have been around for years, and other platforms like Wimba and Desire2Learn are offering functionality that can be applied to foreign languages. CMS platforms are normally implemented school-wide (or even district- and state-wide) to allow teachers to manage their classes on-line, 24-7, including… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on July 24, 2007 at 6:37am — 2 Comments

Veni, Vidi, Wiki: Beyond the Wikipedia

The Wikipedia has been a household word since at least 2005. It is an open source encyclopedia available in dozens of languages that allows anyone to create, add, and edit

content on any subject. The main page for Classics is here, and features a definition of Classics and has links to many other

pages of useful information about philosophy, language,…


Added by Andrew Reinhard on July 13, 2007 at 7:38am — 3 Comments

The eClassics Demographic

When eClassics welcomed its hundredth member, I thought it would be fun/interesting to see if there were trends/biases of who was using technology to learn/teach Classics. What I found was that eClassics is a diverse community, mixed in age, gender, level of education, and technical acumen (techumen?). Along with the stats listed below, there are some fun ones. Best name: Romanlegs. Oddest coincidence: Two members are named Kevin Hartley (one in the US and the other in Ireland). Best profile… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on July 7, 2007 at 5:51pm — No Comments

Digital Classicist Panel on ID Approaches to Research and Pedagogy

Here's a quick one: Digital Classicist is based in University College London and conducted two panels on using digital materials in Classics teaching and research. Abstracts from the second panel on digital pedagogy can be read here. Papers include: "New tools for learning and collaborative research: the Digital Classicist Wiki", "A Schema for Teaching Digital… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on July 3, 2007 at 10:03am — No Comments

ACL Last Day: Arxia Petasos, Neo Petasos

ACL officially ended after the piano singalong reached its logical conclusion of "Auld Lang Syne" (in Latin!). Based on all of the new people who attended (sporting their purple "primum" ribbons) and the comments of the "older" Latin teachers who attended the farewell banquet, it seems that Latin teaching is alive and well and will be well cared for in the hands of a younger generation. I had a delightful breakfast with Tom Sienkewicz this morning, and mentioned that the new generation of… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on July 2, 2007 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Digital Demosthenes: New Pedagogy for Old Languages (ACL workshop)

Today I had the distinct pleasure of giving my first ACL workshop: "Digital Demosthenes: New Pedagogy for Old Languages". My presider was Justin Schwamm who spent about thirty minutes talking about SMART Boards and SMART Airliners. My discussion on tech in the Classics classroom took a catholic approach (pun intended) on evaluating new and… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on June 30, 2007 at 4:35pm — No Comments

ACL, Day 2: Still Wired after all these Years

I spoke with about a dozen people today on "digital pedagogy" and learned that it is alive and well, but mostly in the form of data projectors and SMART Boards. One delegate says she uses "everything" when it comes to technology in the classroom, while others complain that it's a money thing when trying to acquire hardware. Money is indeed a huge issue when it comes to schools and districts applying for technology in the classroom, but perhaps the biggest issue is the standardization and… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on June 30, 2007 at 6:40am — No Comments

ACL Nashville: More wired that a pedal steel guitar

Things were so busy at ACL yesterday that it's only been now that I have found the time to blog on eClassics about what's been happening here. As a colleague said to me once, "sleep is a conspiracy". I wanted to take the temperature of high school and college Latin/Greek teachers and how they are currently using technology and spoke to dozens of people (including several eClassics members) about it. And the news is good!

Many, many people are using overhead data projectors in their… Continue

Added by Andrew Reinhard on June 29, 2007 at 6:40am — No Comments



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