eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

When eClassics welcomed its hundredth member, I thought it would be fun/interesting to see if there were trends/biases of who was using technology to learn/teach Classics. What I found was that eClassics is a diverse community, mixed in age, gender, level of education, and technical acumen (techumen?). Along with the stats listed below, there are some fun ones. Best name: Romanlegs. Oddest coincidence: Two members are named Kevin Hartley (one in the US and the other in Ireland). Best profile picture: Laura Olsen's (note what her South Park character is reading). On to the hard numbers (based on total responses):

Total membership: 118 (although there is one duplicate)

Men: 58
Women: 52
Neuter: 1 (The Campanian Society)
Unknown: 7

Teachers: 56 (2 of whom are retired)
Teachers with Junior/Senior High School Affiliations: 32
Teachers with College Affiliations: 12
Other teachers (homeschoolers, independents, etc.): 3
No affiliation listed: 11
Teachers actively using tech in the classroom: 18

Students: 26
Students with Junior/Senior High School Affiliations: 3
Students with College Affiliations: 11
Self-teaching: 6

Student/Teacher ("all of the above" option): 18
Self-proclaimed Classics hobbyists: 4

Age: 21 members posted how old they are on their profiles. Of those, 1 is 19, 3 are in their 20s, 9 are in their 30s, 3 are in their 40s, 2 are in their 50s, and 3 are in their 60s.

Nationality: eClassics members come from 10 countries. The best-represented is the United States (78), followed by Australia (4), the United Kingdom (3), Canada (2), Germany (2), Ireland (2), Denmark (1), Greece (1), Italy (1), Norway (1). Other nationalities might be out there, but they have chosen not to identify themselves.

Web Sites: 21 eClassics members have either a personal web site (typically a blog) or a professional web site (typically a school-sponsored site for classroom use).

As far as favorite Classics-themed web sites go, eClassics members do enjoy finding and using Internet-based resources. A handful stand out, however, as they were cited by many members on their profile pages. The top five are:

Rogueclassicism (from member David Meadows)
Atrium Latin (also from member David Meadows -- does he sleep?)
The Latin Library
Latinum podcasts (from member Evan Millner)

Nearly half of eClassics members listed favorite pedagogical and Classics web sites -- please do visit inidivdual member's pages to say hello, and to say what's popular with each of us.

I'll revisit the demographic when we hit the 500-member mark!


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