eLatin eGreek eLearn

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Podcasting and the Classics, APA 2009: The talks are available on the WWW


We are so eager to hear what viewers and listeners think. Enjoy the talks and I look forward to your feedback!

Views: 21

Comment by Chris Francese on January 13, 2009 at 8:07am
I was present at the event and loved the enthusiasm and ideas of all the participants. If I have any criticism, it would be that the orientation was rather skewed toward "profcasting," in other words, most of the participants were thinking of podcasting as mainly another way to distribute the professor's ideas (hence the anxiety about "giving it away for free.") While this model is a good and important one, I am equally if not more interested in the pedagogical use, that is, getting students to write and produce podcasts, either as an adjunct to a paper, or in addition to their other papers. My experience is that this has many benefits, especially 1) Students are writing for a wider audience of their peers, and hence far more willing to revise; 2) in language classes this is the most effective way to get students motivated to want to pronounce Latin and Greek properly.

Needless to say this approach as well has its own problems and intricacies--maybe the subject for a future panel . . .

But that's my only querella. The session was very valuable, nay, exciting. Thank so much, Chis Ann, you did a fabulous job organizing.
Comment by Bill Parsons on January 20, 2009 at 10:53am
I was there as well; I have a few ideas on how this would work in my classrooms; as a study tool for my Latin Exploratory students, it would be invaluable to hear proper pronounciation and possibly to be able to pick up some oral proficiency.

For my online history classes, the ability to quickly respond to issues in class by way of podcast might help to make things clearer for my students as well.

Thanks for a great session!
Comment by Chris Francese on January 20, 2009 at 2:18pm
Here're my assignments for student-generated podcasts that I have used in classes on Catullus and Homer: http://c.a.francese.googlepages.com/digitalprojects
And the results of the first go round are here:


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