I stumbled across this entry on
podcast.com a podcast aggregating service - Latinum is in the top 25 podcasts listed on that site....hard to credit, really. Who would have thought?
Here is the list:
1.st CNN News Update
2nd BBC Global News
3rd Midwest Teen Sex Show
4th 60 Minutes Podcast - The Full Broadcast
5th Dictionary.com Word Explorer
6th ABC World News (Enhanced Video)
7th Face the Nation
8th BBC NewsPod
9th MSNBC News Headlines
10th NOVA | PBS
11th The Economist
12th Discovery News (Video)
13th NPR: Planet Money Podcast
14th Bloomberg On the Economy
15th Stuff You Should Know
16th CNN Student News (video)
17th InvestTalk
18th ESPN Radio Daily Podcast
LATINUM - The Online Latin Language Audio Course from London
20th Best of Today
21st APM: Marketplace
22nd GreenBiz Radio
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