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Fable of the Day: De leone, asino et gallo (Barlow)

Gallus aliquando cum Asino pascebatur, Leone autem aggresso Asinum, Gallus exclamavit, et Leo, qui Galli vocem timet, fugere incipit. Asinus, ratus propter se fugere, aggressus est Leonem; ut vero procul a gallicinio persecutus est, conversus Leo Asinum devoravit, qui moriens clamabat, "Iusta passus sum, ex pugnacibus enim non natus parentibus, quamobrem in aciem irrui?"

You will notice a new format here! This is because I am now finalizing materials for the edition of Aesop's fables that I'll be publishing with Bolchazy-Carducci, based on Barlow's Aesop of 1687.

Here is the vocabulary for the fable, excluding the words which are on the Common Word List:

acies (aciei, f.): sharp edge, battle line
gallicinium: cock-crow
parens (parentis, c.): parent
vox (vocis, f.): voice

iustus: right, justified
pugnax (pugnacis): fighting, aggressive

aggredior (aggredi), aggressus: approach, attack
clamo (clamare): shout, exclaim
converto (convertere), conversus: turn, turn around
devoro (devorare): consume, gulp down
exclamo (exclamare), exclamavi: shout, cry out
fugio (fugere): run away, flee
incipio (incipere): begin, start
irruo (irruere), irrui: rush in, rush into
nascor (nasci), natus: be born
pasco (pascere): graze, feed
patior (pati), passus: suffer, undergo
persequor (persequi), persecutus: reach, overtake
reor (reri), ratus: think, suppose
timeo (timere): fear, be afraid

aliquando: sometime, sometime or other
procul: far off, at a distance
propter: because of, on account of
quamobrem: for what reason
vero: in fact, indeed

Comments: For a segmented version of the text and an English translation, see the Aesopus website.

aggresso: : participle used in an ablative absolute construction

fugere: present infinitive in indirect statement (implied subject: leonem)

aggressus est: deponent verb, although passive in form, here takes an object - leonem

passus sum: deponent verb, although passive in form, here takes an object - iusta (adjective used substantively)

ex pugnacibus...parentibus: prepositional phrase wraps around the participle

ex pugnacibus enim: the placement of the postpositive enim shows that a preposition is not a "word" that can stand on its own

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