More wired than a Roman Internet café
Does anyone have any experience organizing a middle school Latin trip to Rome? I am interested to hear from people who have gone to Rome with language or culture institutions. We are thinking of a week/ten days during the spring break.
Conversely, if you have experience leading such trips independently - any tips? We are interested in Rome and the Vesuvian sites above all, but can we make it to Sperlonga, Tivoli...?
Any advice would be wonderful - thank you!
I have taken 9-12 grade students to Rome, pompeii and Herculaneum.
I learned from a really good, organized German teachers these basics: Ihave traveled with CHA, EXPLORICA & EF.
1. Keep a notebook/folder with all of your paperwork. We/parents gave us copies of each child's passports, medical information, contact phone numbers. Keep a calling tree and give a copy to each of your parents before you go. You can also copy their insurance information if you want.
2. We went out at night after dinner, about 9 pm AS A GROUP. No individuals can go anywhere without a boy in the group and at least 3-4 students in a group. Always safer in numbers. Going out at night is a cool experience for your students, even to get gelatto. Our tour guide knew the bus to take or just a local cafe or piazza that had some music playing and people out. It was neat for the kids to see, and gave them an activity to fill the night.
You can determine your own security.
3. MIddle school - absolutely NO ALCOHOL in my opinion. Any drinking is an immediate trip home paid for by the parent. You can have parents sign a statement ahead of time if you want or whatever your view is on drinking.
4. I have always traveled with a company. I didnot want the responsiblilty alone.
Bona fortuna and keep in touch. I am new to sharing on web sites.
Kristy McGowen - Olathe kansas
Hi Kristy,
Thank you so much for your response. I will certainly explore the companies that you mentioned. And thanks for those tips!
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