eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

Gabe Baker's Comments

Comment Wall (2 comments)

At 12:56pm on April 3, 2011, Laura Gibbs said…
Yes, Gabe, let's stay in touch! I mostly keep my Ning private and for the public side focus on websites - my students use GoogleSites to publish their work online where it is very share-able! They seem so much more motivated to work on their writing when publishing it online as opposed to just writing it for a paper that they know will end up sooner or later (sooner rather than later!) in the trash can... Here are the projects in Myth-Folklore this semester; they choose and topic and retell stories in their own way.
At 3:47pm on April 3, 2011, Laura Gibbs said…
Ha ha, yes, that's me - I feel so lucky to be living in the "Age of the Internet" - my school is adamantly opposed to letting me teach Latin online, but I can keep up my Latin interests and share what I'm reading with others, even if I don't have an official Latin class. That's so much more fun than just reading on my own and taking notes in spiral notebooks as I did before the Internet changed the world! :-)

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