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Itzel Jenkins's Comments

Comment Wall (16 comments)

At 5:41pm on November 19, 2009, jlu48 said…
Hi Itzel.
Unusual name. Is McKinney close to Dallas?
At 3:14am on November 20, 2009, Danso Emmanuel Asare gave Itzel Jenkins a gift
you look very beautiful
At 7:36pm on November 22, 2009, Stephen Contrado said…
Hello Itzel, How are you? I'm delighted to see you supporting the Classics and to have you for a new friend. -- Stephen Contrado, B.A., Th.M.
At 10:03pm on November 22, 2009, Irisatus Iocohamensis said…

Tibi gratias ago pro invitatione, et a te veniam peto, quod sero respondeam. Ut videas, in Japonia habito. Latinam linguam, cum discipulus essem, per 2 vel 3 annos discebam. At recens nuntiis diurnis Ephemeridis lectis amator Latinitatis vivae factus sum!

At 8:29pm on November 23, 2009, Gabriel Ruiz Camargo said…
salve puella qui linguam latinam "belligerant", te salutant
At 1:23am on November 24, 2009, Agustin Ayuso said…
Salve, amica.
Bene fecisti quod ad te me invitasti. Gratias tibi ago.
Salva sis.
At 7:05am on November 24, 2009, Andrea Del Ponte said…
Salve, amica quae latine scribis ac fortasse loqueris. Ubi terrarum vivis?
At 9:32am on November 25, 2009, Iohannes Velptonius said…
Tibi gratias ago propter invitationem tuam sed antequam accipiam, velim plura de activitatibus tuis ad Latinitatem pertinentibus scire. Esne magistra an discipula? Ego ipse linguas Anglicam et Latinam Honcongi doceo atque explicationes Anglicas vocabulorum quae in Nuntiis Latinis Helsinkiensibus inveniuntur apud www.wordchamp.com quaque septimana pono.
At 6:37pm on November 25, 2009, Brett Games said…
Salve, puella mea. Quid agit hodie? Me laetet ut mihi amicitiam feritis, femina pulchra et docta. Scribite me, quaeso. Ubi habitatis, amica? Quae officium tibi? Habitisne spousus? Liberes?
At 11:11pm on November 28, 2009, Leon Aguilera Radford gave Itzel Jenkins a gift
Hello!!! Are you studying Greek of Latin?
At 6:22am on November 30, 2009, Karen Budde said…
Salve! Habitavi in TX multos annos ubi in exercitu fui. Habito et doceo nunc in VT.
At 10:50am on December 1, 2009, santi said…
Salve, Itzel, quid agis?
Gratias tibi ago propter invitationem amicitiae tuam quam iam accepi.
At 10:21pm on December 13, 2009, Gaius Valerianus Germanicus said…
Salve, Itzel! Quid agis?
At 10:27am on December 15, 2009, John E. DuBois said…
I realize that this has to be some sort of scam, but for some reason I do not care.
At 7:26am on December 17, 2009, ToivoΚαιSpes said…
greetings and thanks for adding.
At 11:21pm on December 27, 2009, elizabeth gave Itzel Jenkins a gift

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