eLatin eGreek eLearn

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Here is the current list of books that have been made in the past week or so:

Everyone is encouraged to have a go at writing at least ONE book. The idea is to copy the format of children's beginning literacy books in general. They can be very simple and repetitive, following a simple formula - kids love this stuff.
We don't have many books like this for Latin, and we need them desperately.

I used Laura Gibb's De Leone very successfully on the interactive whiteboard at a primary I teach in, the kids loved it. They learned so much that lesson!
If you want the entry password, please message me.
Please don't post this on any publicly accessible spaces, to prevent the site being spammed.
-Evan Millner

Tar Heel Reader

Latin Catalogue:

15 May 2009

Aqva. By Evan Millner

Bestiarium Latinum – by Laura Gibbs.

Canis et Apis – by Amicula

De Leone - by Laura Gibbs.

Deluge of Datives – by DDS LATIN

Habesne Mensam? - By Evan Millner

In terra Sunt, by Evan Millner

Januae Latinitatis Vestibulum, by Evan Millner

Mellificium, by Evan Millner

Milites Romani by Amicula

Parvula Aranea – by Amicula

Rana Bona et Rana Mala – by M Beyer

Salve Amice – by Karen Budde .

Scisne bis bina quot essent? – Evan Millner

Serpentes – by Amicula

Surgisne Bene Mane? By Evan Millner

Quis ibi stat? – Evan Millner

Qvot? – Evan Millner

Rosa – Evan Millner .

Views: 145

Comment by Latinum Institute on May 18, 2009 at 4:47am
There are now over 30 books on the Taar Heel Reader. It is really easy to write a book.
1. Simply search for a picture on the site (click 'write a book)
2. Give the book a Title
3. Write some text below the first picture.
repeat the process for the next picture, and so on.
You can delete a page by clicking the red X
You can move a page to another position with the green arrows, or by dragging the page around.

This has been designed so that beginners can write their own books, it is not only intended for teachers.

It is extremely easy to use the site to write a book - simply have a look at books written for beginning readers - and use the format - Laura Gibbs has come up with a brilliant format, that uses dialogue and explanation, mixed together. New vocabulary is introduced effortlessly.

As Bob Patrick pointed out, this is like 'frozen tprs' - the book becomes, in effect, a lesson that can be replayed over and over until it is learned.

I have written about the need for children's books in Latin before. This is something that those interested in Living Latin have only been involved with on a limited scale - with traditional publishing, it is simply not viable.
The TarHeel reader gives us a mechanism that makes it possible.

Web 2.0 is doing amazing things for Latin.


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