eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

Online course, with CE credits, on ancient epic and video games

Salvete! I'm so glad to be here! For the past few years I've been working at the strange interstices of classics and video games (see my blog for all the bizarre details). I've recently started, with scholars in several other disciplines, the Video Games and Human Values Initiative (see here).

In the immediate future--January, that is--I'll be leading an asynchronous online course, entitled "Living Epic: the power of video games in culture from the ancient to the modern world." This course carries 1.5 CEU's for Connecticut teachers, and 15 contact hours that can be applied to teaching portfolios across the country. It's intended for teachers--especially teachers of classics--and parents, and represents the next step in VGHVI's attempt to start a new kind of conversation about the constructive potential of video games in culture in general and in education in particular. Please see here for all the details, and please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions about the course, the initiative, or my work.

Thanks very much for your attention to what must seem a carpetbagging sort of post, though in truth the need to carpetbag is pushing me to find places in which I should have been involved long ago!

Views: 16

Comment by Laura Gibbs on December 2, 2008 at 1:19pm
Hey Roger Travis! Long time no see (and I mean seriously a LONG time - I remember having coffee with you and Ted Lisowski back in the mid-90s...!). Anyway, this online course sounds really cool, and I've subscribed to your nifty blog. I've been teaching fully online courses through University of Oklahoma since 2002 (which is quite a while in the online world), and using Ning as a part of that for the past year - what an awesome tool! It's exciting to see someone else who finds the online world full of excitement and good learning opportunities. I'm blogging away at Bestiaria Latina (yeah, I am still Aesop-obsessed).
For what it's worth, a post to LatinTeach listserve will get a lot more circulation than a blog post here. Although I think Nings beat email hands down, there are just not that many folks from LatinTeach who have migrated out of email onto the actual Internet.
Comment by Roger Travis on December 2, 2008 at 1:40pm
Yay! Hi Laura! LatinTeach was my stop before this one, but then I lost my validation e-mail. . . :D I should get a post on there soon, though!

Thanks so much for saying hi!
Comment by Laura Gibbs on December 2, 2008 at 2:04pm
I still can't figure people's attachment to LatinTeach (it's 'deja vu all over again' there because there are no searchable archives, so the same questions come around, and around, and around...) - but it is definitely an effective way to get info. out to people. I have benefited from it a lot.


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