eLatin eGreek eLearn

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Caesar - The British War ; Customs of the Gauls

Caesar - The British War ; Customs of the Gauls
This audiobook covers:
 Caesar's Bello Gallico
Book 4, chapters 20 -38,
Book 5, Chapters 8 - 23,  Book 6, Chapters 12-19.
It covers the two invasions of Britain, and a section discussing the customs of the Gauls, which included the Britons.

The text is read phrase by phrase in Latin-English-Latin, with a literal translation that makes the Latin grammatical structures clear. Each chapter has its own bilingual audio file.The audiobook also contains separate readings in Latin only, in three audio files, one for each book. The original edition was by John Taylor, printers to University College, London. 

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More information about Latinum can be found at Latium Redivivum ,
 including lists of the material graded by ability level.

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