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Fable of the Day: De Leone et Mure (Barlow)

Leo, laqueo captus, cum ita se irretitum videret ut nullis viribus sese explicare potuit, murem rogavit, ut, abroso laqueo, eum liberaret, promittens tanti beneficii se non futurum immemorem; quod cum mus prompte fecisset, leonem rogavit ut filiam eius sibi traderet in uxorem. Nec abnuit leo ut benefactori suo rem gratam faceret. Nova autem nupta, ad virum veniens, cum eum non videret, casu illum pede pressit et contrivit.

You will notice a new format here! This is because I am now finalizing materials for the edition of Aesop's fables that I'll be publishing with Bolchazy-Carducci, based on Barlow's Aesop of 1687.

Here is the vocabulary for the fable, excluding the words which are on the Common Word List:

benefactor (benefactoris, m.): benefactor
beneficium: kindness, favor
casus (casus, m.): chance, accident
filia: daughter
laqueum: snare, trap, bond
nupta: bride
pes (pedis, m.): foot
res (rei, f.): thing, business
uxor (uxoris, f.): wife
vir: man, husband

gratus: agreeable, acceptable
immemor (immemoris): unmindful, forgetful
irretitus: entangled, caught in a net
novus: new
nullus: none, not any
tantus: of such size, so great

ita: thus, therefore
prompte: willingly, readily

abnuo (abnuere), abnuit: refuse, decline
abrodo (abrodere), abrosus: gnaw away, chew off
capio (capere), captus: seize, catch, grasp
contero (conterere), contrivi: crush, grind into bits
explico (explicare): unfold, untangle
facio (facere), feci: do
libero (liberare), liberatus: set free
possum (posse), potui: be able, can
premo (premere), pressi: press, press upon
promitto (promittere), promisi, promissum: promise
rogo (rogare), rogavi, rogatus: ask, request
trado (tradere), tradidi: hand over, bestow
venio (venire), veni: come

Comments: For a segmented version of the text and an English translation, see the Aesopus website.

videret: subjunctive introduced by cum

liberaret: subjunctive introduced by ut

futurum (esse): infinitive in indirect statement, introduced by promittens

quod: general antecedent, "this thing" (the whole business of freeing the lion)

fecisset: subjunctive introduced by cum

traderet: subjunctive introduced by ut

faceret: subjunctive introduced by ut

videret: subjunctive introduced by cum

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