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Oral Latin in Chicago — slightly off-topic

Let's have a Latin day!

If you'd like, you can come with. We'll meet at noon at the Lincoln
Park Zoo (2100 N. Clark Street in Chicago, www.lpzoo.org on the web) so we can have a picnic. After lunch we'll be talking about animals. Entrance to the zoo is free for everyone.

We'll gather at the picnic area near the flamingos--you know, the big pink birds. And if you can't find this place on your own or don't know the city, you can meet me at the train station (Ogilvie Tranportation Center) near Anne Sathers in the food court at 10:30, give or take. Once we've gathered, we'll walk to a bus stop about 4 blocks away.

Never spoken Latin before? Don't worry. We'll help. We have lists of useful words. Maybe you could bring a copy Conversational Latin by John Traupman or a dictionary (for your own help).

Questions about the day? Send an e-mail to me. My address is sipes23@hotmail.com.

Hope to see you there!

Si velis, nobiscum conveniturum esse possis. In hortis zoologicis Lincolnensibus, cuius inscriptio est 2001 N. Clark Street, Sicagi et inscriptio electronica est www.lpzoo.org, hora duodecima (vel meridie) die Saturni 11o Augusti conveniemus ut prandeamus subdialis. Post prandium nostrum de animalibus loquemur. Tesserae intrandi liberae omnibus sunt!

Conveniemus in loco prandandi prope phoenicopteris, qui magni aves rosei sunt. Etsi hunc locum invenire non potes, vel urbem nescis, convenire mecum potes in statione nomine Ogilvie Transportation Center prope popinam nomine Anne Sathers hora decima semis (plus minusve, de tramine dependitur). Nobis conventis locum morandi plaustrorum ambuabimus et in hortos zoologicos vehemur. Forsan 500 passuum ambulabimus.

Loquerisne latine numquam? Noli timere! Te adiuvabimus. Indices vocabulorum utilium habemus. Forsan librum nomine Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency ab Ioannes Traupvir scriptum seu lexicum tecum ferre debeas (ut te adiuves).

Habesne quaestiones de die? Epistulas electronicas ad me mitte. Inscriptio electronica mihi est sipes23@hotmail.com. Spero ut ibi videam te!

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That's on August 11, right?
Umm, yeah. Now you get to see how well I can translate my own Latin into English. The problem is that I've already said it once and have trouble keeping straight what I've said where.

It is in fact on the 11th.




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