eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

While on-line tools abound for use in teaching foreign languages, many teachers choose not to use them. I am wondering if this is because of a number of elements: inability to access the Internet from a classroom/school, ignorance of on-line tools for teachers, no budget for implementing technology, no desire to change horses in mid-stream, etc. What will it take to get technology into the Classics classrooms where it is not currently, and is this introduction of technology a good thing?

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There is no internet in my well-off school unless we go to the library, and those trips never happen. It is expected but not required or necessary that students have internet access at home. So, while, on occasion, my teacher may say "This site is helpful, if you're having trouble or are bored and want to explore, check it out." it would be foolish for him to require computer access for his studies.

And yes, ignorance and inertia play significant roles. I am fairly good at searching the internet, but it's hard to find and use Classics tools that are actually pertinent to what I'm learning and easy to figure out. This is the best tool I've found for accessing other tools - I never knew about the Latin stories on TarHeelReader.org until I saw the Groups page here. But this is a forum, a group, not a comprehensive easy to use collection of applicable resources. For instance, I can google "Beginner Archery" and get tons of web pages on what bows and arrows may be what I'm looking for, what my technique should be, and links to other up to date sites that are actually helpful. When I try to find something for Latin... I get random grammar pages, fairly inactive forum-type sites, and hard to use dictionary or book type aides, which aren't really different from a good text book. I'm SURE there's something more appropriate out there. I just haven't found it, and that's my problem. It's not at my fingertips after a mere well worded Google search.
I have to agree with Rachel. However, in my school, we have lots of computers and most of our high school students own laptop computers. The trouble appears to be the Internet connection in our schools. Many useful sites are blocked because of the district filters and it is cumbersome to go through the process to get a useful site unblocked. Sites like this one would never be allowed because of its "Facebook-like" arrangement. I am trying to implement technology more in my classroom this year by using the LNM pdf and projecting it so we can mark it up on the whiteboard. Students also seem to like the idea of downloading vocabulary cards and using them electronically. My students are technological. It only makes sense for me to try and keep up with them. I'm always looking for new ways to use technology in the classroom. I'd love to see declension and conjugation Powerpoint presentations! I just don't have the time to create them.
I work in a district that makes sure we have the technology.

Unfortunately I moved to this district after teaching in a technology poor district for 17 years. I suddenly had the computers but NOTHING to use on them. I had no idea what was available or how to go about finding it.

I avoided using the lab for the first semester. Finally another Latin teacher in the district told me about the Cambridge site and Quia. I played with the technology and slowly taught myself to use technology in Latin.

Change is difficult. Technology is scary.
I think a large part of the problem is that there are very few Latin specific tools which educators can use.  The other componet is that many of the tools that exists are expensive and so many teachers are not able to buy these themselves or have their schools buy them.  I know that many of us want to incrporate new ideas and tools into our classrooms but the variety and avaliablity of these is a difficult obstacle.




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