Latinum has now been online for over two years. I started collecting visitor statistics exactly one year ago. 62 000 unique visitors have viewed the site in the past 12 months, resulting in the map you see below: Downloads average 260 000 episodes per month. Total episode downloads since the site went online: 4,106,446

The Adler Course is now all recorded - if I were to do it again, it would be better, as my oral Latin is now much improved, as a result of having to speak so much Latin out loud. I am working on building up the resource of stories read in simple Latin, which are very popular with users of the podcast.
Schola, the associated site, is also growing steadily, with over 970 members. The chatroom in schola is now active several times a day, as users scattered across the globe log in to chat. Visitors to Latinum have come from the following locations over the past 12 months: United States (US) 30,134 United Kingdom (GB) 6,626 Canada (CA) 2,277 Germany (DE) 2,143 Brazil (BR) 1,988 Australia (AU) 1,929 Italy (IT) 1,155 Spain (ES) 981 Korea, Republic of (KR) 958 Sweden (SE) 856 France (FR) 785 Netherlands (NL) 746 Russian Federation (RU) 611 Mexico (MX) 541 Poland (PL) 511 Ireland (IE) 489 China (CN) 458 New Zealand (NZ) 441 Japan (JP) 417 Portugal (PT) 372 Philippines (PH) 347 Belgium (BE) 324 Romania (RO) 314 Norway (NO) 306 India (IN) 301 Turkey (TR) 283 Switzerland (CH) 270 Argentina (AR) 270 Austria (AT) 260 Hong Kong (HK) 242 Singapore (SG) 240 Israel (IL) 230 Denmark (DK) 227 Finland (FI) 207 Greece (GR) 189 Croatia (HR) 189 Czech Republic (CZ) 179 Hungary (HU) 167 Colombia (CO) 163 South Africa (ZA) 152 Taiwan (TW) 151 Bulgaria (BG) 146 Lithuania (LT) 141 Ukraine (UA) 136 Malaysia (MY) 129 Thailand (TH) 128 Serbia (RS) 124 Chile (CL) 122 Slovenia (SI) 118 Indonesia (ID) 111 Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) 106 Egypt (EG) 105 Peru (PE) 98 Europe (EU) 97 Slovakia (SK) 94 Puerto Rico (PR) 75 Vietnam (VN) 70 Costa Rica (CR) 69 Estonia (EE) 53 Latvia (LV) 53 Venezuela (VE) 52 United Arab Emirates (AE) 49 Saudi Arabia (SA) 47 Georgia (GE) 42 Dominican Republic (DO) 41 Iceland (IS) 40 Guatemala (GT) 34 Macedonia (MK) 32 Trinidad and Tobago (TT) 30 Kuwait (KW) 30 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) 28 Malta (MT) 28 Luxembourg (LU) 28 Ecuador (EC) 28 Morocco (MA) 28 Iraq (IQ) 27 Jordan (JO) 24 Kazakstan (KZ) 24 Kenya (KE) 23 Moldova, Republic of (MD) 22 Jamaica (JM) 22 Algeria (DZ) 22 Panama (PA) 21 Uruguay (UY) 21 Cyprus (CY) 18 Qatar (QA) 18 Bolivia (BO) 17 Yemen (YE) 17 Pakistan (PK) 17 Belarus (BY) 17 Lebanon (LB) 16 Bangladesh (BD) 13 Ghana (GH) 13 Syrian Arab Republic (SY) 12 Asia/Pacific Region (AP) 12 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD) 11 Albania (AL) 11 Sri Lanka (LK) 11 El Salvador (SV) 10 Nigeria (NG) 10 Paraguay (PY) 10 Gibraltar (GI) 9 Fiji (FJ) 9 Tunisia (TN) 9 Bahamas (BS) 8 Mauritius (MU) 8 Bahrain (BH) 8 Azerbaijan (AZ) 7 Oman (OM) 7 Macau (MO) 6 Suriname (SR) 6 Guam (GU) 6 Guyana (GY) 6 Senegal (SN) 5 Nicaragua (NI) 5 Faroe Islands (FO) 5 Namibia (NA) 5 Cote D'Ivoire (CI) 5 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY) 5 Brunei Darussalam (BN) 4 Barbados (BB) 4 Haiti (HT) 4 Honduras (HN) 4 Uzbekistan (UZ) 4 Cambodia (KH) 4 Guadeloupe (GP) 4 Armenia (AM) 4 Belize (BZ) 3 Cameroon (CM) 3 Maldives (MV) 3 Mozambique (MZ) 3 Montenegro (ME) 3 Aruba (AW) 3 Bermuda (BM) 3 Saint Lucia (LC) 3 Madagascar (MG) 2 Angola (AO) 2 Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) 2 Afghanistan (AF) 2 Netherlands Antilles (AN) 2 Palestinian Territory (PS) 2 Reunion (RE) 2 Mongolia (MN) 2 Sudan (SD) 2 Cayman Islands (KY) 2 Uganda (UG) 2 Ethiopia (ET) 2 Kyrgyzstan (KG) 1 Botswana (BW) 1 Turks and Caicos Islands (TC) 1 Nepal (NP) 1 Dominica (DM) 1 Martinique (MQ) 1 Grenada (GD) 1 Micronesia, Federated States of (FM) 1 Guinea-Bissau (GW) 1 Malawi (MW) 1 Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) 1 Virgin Islands, British (VG) 1 Gabon (GA) 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN) 1 Rwanda (RW) 1 Andorra (AD)
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