eLatin eGreek eLearn

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If you are interested in Latin and Chemistry, as I am ( I am a Chemistry teacher by profession), then this selection culled from google books might interest you.
Google books constantly amazes me - more and more Latin texts appear on google every day - we are very fortunate, I doubt at any point in history has anyone had access to such a complete and diverse library of texts in Latin, and we have it at the press of a few keystrokes.

http://books.google.com/books?id=CZ05AAAAcAAJ Fundamenta Chemiae theoretico-practicae By Johann Wilhelm Baumer

http://books.google.com/books?id=_gVAAAAAcAAJ Elementa chemiae, Volume 2 By Herman Boerhaave

http://books.google.com/books?id=KwpAAAAAcAAJ Compendium Chemiae By Georg Wolfgang Wedel

http://books.google.com/books?id=Z6I5AAAAcAAJ Elementa Chemiae medicae By Johann Friedrich Cartheuser

http://books.google.com/books?id=NAZAAAAAcAAJ Institutiones chemiae dogmaticae et experimentalis By Hermann Friedrich Teichmeyer

http://books.google.com/books?id=AXMFAAAAQAAJ Institutiones chemiae By Rudolph Augustin Vogel

And that is only a small selection. Texts on Chemsitry appeared in Latin through to the mid 1800's. I'm not sure what the most recent text on chemistry written in Latin is. I doubt anyone knows. Phd topic lurks here, I think. Certainly Latin was being used much more recently in this field than many people realise.

Here is a text from 1829
http://books.google.com/books?id=POw_AAAAcAAJ Pharmacopoea borussica
And this one from 1825
http://books.google.com/books?id=b6pAAAAAcAAJ Systema fossilium analysibus chemicis examinatorum Secundum partium ... By Johan Gadolin
This text from 1823
http://books.google.com/books?id=R9gPAAAAQAAJ Tabula dilatationem metallorum ... By Romano Markiewicz
http://books.google.com/books?id=41tFAAAAYAAJ Responsio ad quaestionem chemicam F. Dozy pg 63 in Annales Academiae Lugduno-batavae

Views: 201

Comment by Peter Sipes on July 20, 2010 at 8:47pm
I teach one class of physics a year. Of course ol' you-know-who cropped up in our Latin class's survey of English Latinity: that's right Isaac Newton himself.

Google books is truly amazing. I'm astonished at what you've dug up.

Though I'm not going to post links, Newton wrote his Principia in Latin. So did Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler. All of these can be found at thelatinlibrary.com on the Neo-Latin page. Andreas Vesalius wrote about human anatomy in Latin (de corporis fabrica). Carolus Linneaus wrote about botany in Latin (Systema Naturae) and inflicted the whole Genus species thing on everyone in the process--go Linneaus! I'm too lazy to dig up exact links to Vesalius or Linn at books.google.com, though a cursory search reveals that it could be tricky to dig up the appropriate non-translations.

In any case, there's hardly any shortage of science written in Latin. What I like about scientific Latin is that is plays up the way that Latin spans across academic disciplines.
Comment by Latinum Institute on July 20, 2010 at 10:28pm
It is relatively easy to find the original Latin texts on google, if you use the genitive form of the surname.
Double i's are common as well, where we now use a single one.
Even better, many of these Latin texts are editions with commentaries.
Newtonis, Linnaeii, Copernici, Kepleris, Vesalii, etc will pull up the texts on google books.
Comment by nuda pedem on July 21, 2010 at 8:01pm
Hi, you're right about Google Books, it's really useful, but it bothers me when I find a book I really need but I can't read fully... and sometimes I can see the book in the list, but can't read it at all!! I think Google Scholar it's useful too...
Comment by Latinum Institute on July 22, 2010 at 9:14am
mmm, I have discovered that even with a preview only book on google books, if you come back and very carefully target your search string, you can get into the pages of the book you are looking for, but it requires cunning and deviousness.


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