In London, we are trying a new experiment - we have noticed members come along to the Circulus Latinus, but who don't have the skills to speak conversationally, but who are still very interested in Latin, as a 'performance language', for want of a better term.
We have decided to resurrect the ancient Collegium Poetarum online ..., to seed something new. We will be holding our first meeting in London this month, in a magnificent location alongside St Paul's Cathedral: Paternoster Square.

We will use the base of the columna as our rostrum. Some of us will dress up. Eventually, we'll have a bag of props, ready to hand.
If you are in London, please come along, either to watch or participate ( in Latin or Greek)
Thursday 16 July, at 6.30 pm at Paternoster Square.
If you are not in London, then be brave, and organise a 'happening' in your own area.
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