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Latinum Institute's Blog – March 2009 Archive (5)


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Added by Latinum Institute on March 24, 2009 at 7:16pm — No Comments

Latinum - where the listeners are

Latinum has now reached 4 million audio file downloads, with thousands of regular users of the site.

For the last 8 months, I have been keeping tabs on where individuals using Latinum are coming from: Here is the breakdown - for those interested in targeting Latin resources, advertising, and sales, etc, these figures are doubtless very interesting. I just find them surprising.

United States (US) 22,585

United Kingdom (GB) 5,240

Canada (CA) 1,726

Germany (DE)… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on March 18, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Dialectical Bootstraping


Averaging the responses provided from a group increases accuracy by canceling out a number of errors made across the board (such as over- and under-estimating the answer).

What happens when we are on our own? What if there is no one else around to consult with before making a judgment - how can we be confident that we are giving a good answer? Psychologists Stefan M. Herzog and Ralph Hertwig from the University of Basel wanted to know if individuals could come up with… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on March 15, 2009 at 5:24am — No Comments

Why the Romans were successful - they were imperfectionists, perhaps?

When teaching perfect-imperfect, throwing this information into the ring might help kids get to grips with the differences. And might end up making them into better students.....

What I Was Doing Vs. What I Did: How Verb Aspect Influences Memory And Behavior

ScienceDaily (Mar. 13, 2009) — If you want to perform at your peak, you should carefully consider how you discuss your past actions. In a new study in Psychological Science, psychologists William Hart of the University of… Continue

Added by Latinum Institute on March 13, 2009 at 5:53am — 1 Comment

Computer Games in Latin

I stumbled across a computer game that has been translated into latin called Zelda, and another called Zelda 2.
As I know nothing about computer games, I'll leave it up to others to comment on these. I've no idea about the quality of the translations.....

Added by Latinum Institute on March 1, 2009 at 8:15am — 2 Comments



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