eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

I know there are a lot of teachers out there who use Quia to host home-grown games, quizzes, tests and exercises. Textbooks like Ecce and LFA offer banks of questions created in ExamView to teachers. My question to the group is: do you actually use these question banks? Do you use test generators? Would using a pre-built question bank from a publisher save you time? Would you prefer to edit questions offered by publishers, or would you rather do your own thing?

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I think an editable publisher-provided test-bank would be great! I might end up making my own tests in the end, but I always like to see what's important to other people.

Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers did this for Latin for the New Millennium. We created about 2,000 test questions in support of the textbooks and formatted them for both DOC and Quia. They are free to use and can be edited by the instructor.

I was really hoping to start using LNM next year.. but it was way out of my very measly departmental budget. :(




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