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Have you checked out the teaching resource from the American Classical League? They seem to have a great deal of postings.

For independent schools I found that a group like Carney, Sandoe (I know they cover New England and the mid-atlantic)--maybe they are national now . . . is another route to getting contacts.

bona fortuna magistra

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$125,000 Salary for Master LATIN Teachers

Earn a $125,000 salary and join a team of master teachers at The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School, recently featured on the front page of the New York Times.

TEP is a new 480-student 5th through 8th grade middle school in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. Applications are now being accepted for teaching positions in Latin, Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Music, PE/Heath Education, and Special Education.

Learn more and apply today at http://www.tepcharter.org/apply.php.

About TEP Charter School
TEP aims to put into practice the central conclusion of a large body of research related to student achievement: teacher quality is the most important school-based factor in the academic success of students, particularly those from low-income families. In singling out teacher quality as the essential lever in educational reform, TEP is uniquely focused on attracting and retaining master teachers. To do so, TEP uses a three-pronged strategy that it terms the 3 R’s: Rigorous Qualifications, Redefined Expectations, & Revolutionary Compensation. For more information, visit us online at www.tepcharter.org.

Compensation: $125,000 base salary, + bonus and benefits
Thanks for the suggestions. I've been through ACL and everything else it seems. My main problem is lack of Ohio certification. It is a catch-22 - I can't get into the alternative route without being hired somewhere and I can't get hired because I am not in a program.
If you are willing to come to New York in 2009, you do not need certification to apply for the TEP Charter School Latin Master position above.
I just sent you a message with some questions.
I sent you a reply.
You might try applying on http://www.teachers-teachers.com/ check it out. I found a lateral-entry teaching job through this site. Good luck! You might also want to help yourself by taking the Praxis II exam.
Valerie: I graduated years ago with Spanish and Latin but went into another field and have worked in it many years. Now I am looking for something different. All the websites and schools have told me about the great shortage of Latin teachers and classics educators. I have a hard time believing it. Like you, I've checked out ACL. Many states have no listings. My state has seven. I checked out one that was posted and was told there's no vacancy at all. Where are the jobs?
Well, not in Ohio. I am happy to say that I got a job teaching Latin back in San Antonio - not the same school where I taught before. I start down there August 5th. It seems the Latin jobs are in Texas! I came back to Cleveland and after two years I couldn't get a job doing ANYTHING. I applied in SA on a whim when I went to visit and ended up getting hired. I don't know where you are, but you might have to move if you really want to teach. Latin/Spanish would DEFINITELY be an asset in Texas!
Thanks, Valerie. I've noticed that classics are better in the South than the Midwest. Nothing is going on in the Midwest. . . sad.
I feel your pain, seriously. I am a Cleveland girl at heart, but it looks like the fates have me living out my life in Texas. I was there eight years and am heading back. There are definitely worse places to have to go for a job than San Antonio. I hate winter, so the weather is a total bonus and San Antonio is very culturally interesting and active. It is a lively town. If you ever want to consider moving, let me know if I can help. I always knew a lot of people in the field down there and am aware of schools, etc., from competitions and what not and college affiliations. It's a pretty tight community of Latin teachers. Who knew - Texas? Right? It is really sad here, which is unfortunate because Cleveland is home. I am also into cat rescue and animal welfare and all that and there are so few resources. People can hardly feed their families, let alone caring for animals. San Antonio is vibrant and active - unemployment is maybe 5% while it is 10% here and the cost of living is comparable. Good luck! Try registering with Carney Sandoe as someone else suggested. www.carneysandoe.com Let me know if I can help!!
Hi Valerie: Thanks so much. I submitted app. to "carney." Thank you. I love cats, too. The South is warmer, and I agree, more "up there" concerning the classics. A change of geography is a possibility for me, as the older I get, the less I like cold weather. I'll keep your assistance in mind as things develop, and thank you again for your help.
I am about to begin my second year teaching Latin at a charter school in Mass., but looking to teach overseas in 2010, ideally in Central/South America. I have heard from a number of people that the only international opportunities I would have to teach Latin would be in Europe. I would like to improve my Spanish rather than take on another language. I've looked at American schools abroad through ISS and Search Associates, but no Classics in Spanish-speaking countries! Suggestions?! Thanks!




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