More wired than a Roman Internet café
It's been a while, but I'm back with another song adaptation. This time, it's Taylor Swift's "Love Story" in Latin
(I've already adapted it into Spanish,
French, and Italian). As always, great care was taken to maintain as much
meaning as possible while also preserving rhyme, beat, and melody. Obviously, I
had to take a few liberties, but I did my best to minimize them.
Anyway, I've just polished off the first draft for peer review, so please don't
be shy about critiquing it! With this song in particular, I really felt the
lack of a good word for "prince" and "princess." The modern
Romance terms are all based on "princeps," which strictly means
"first citizen" without necessarily bearing any implications of
royalty, chivalry, or charm. Plus, there's no specifically female counterpart.
Anyway, I'd greatly appreciate your thoughts on this one, as it's a personal
favorite of mine.
Erāmus tunc adulescentēs
Cum prīmum tē vīdī et nōvī
Sed somniandō illam aestātem revīvescō.
Omnēs saltant ornātē vestītī.
Lūcēs splendent. Nunc pervenīs
Illinc ad mē,
Et accipiō tē.
Amor īdem erās. Lapillōs iaciēbās.
Meus iūssit pater ut ā mē distārēs.
Iam plorāns in scālīs rogābam nē abīrēs sīc.
Et dīxī:
Fer mē ad locum quō sīmus tandem sōlī.
Tē exspectō. Et currendum sōlum est.
Rōmaeus eris, Iūlietta erō.
Fābula dē amōr'est inter nōs.
Sī congredimur in hortō occultē,
Vērē tum est tacendum nōbīs.
Sīc oculōs breviter fugāmus claudendō.
Amor īdem erās, sed vetita eram.
Meus iūssit pater ut ā mē distārēs,
Sed iam mī omn'erās. Ergō rogābam nē
Et dīxī:
Fer mē ad locum quō sīmus tandem sōlī.
Tē exspectō. Et currendum sōlum est.
Rōmaeus eris, Iūlietta erō.
Fābula dē amōr'est inter nōs.
Nē mē cōnstringant diūtiūs mē mox līberā.
Hic amor nōbīs est vēritās.
Omnia vincēmus metum superandō.
Fābula dē amōr'est inter nōs.
Ita dubitābam
Nē ventūrus essēs ad auferendum mē.
Et fīdem renuntiābam
Cum in urbis ōrīs invēnī tē.
Et dīxī:
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