Well, for once, I'm not translating/adapting anything but rather writing completely new Latin lyrics. These verses are the first half (roughly) of a complete set of lyrics I'm working on for the classic movie theme by John Williams. Please let me know what you think so far. Latin has such a mystique about it that I think the language is well suited for describing such an epic and mythical character. The times given for the instrumental interlude indicate the duration where 00:00 represents the very beginning of the original musical track.
Est sīdus distāns
Prōtectoris quī
Servat nōs.
Nōs, cum minae sint,
Sīcut planētae cīvem nostrae.
(Instrumental Interlude 00:24 - 00:40)
Nec flammae
Minantur illī
Nec quīdem lāminae
Nocent vix illī.
Fortior est ferrō
Optimus hērōs.
Pugnat prō bonō mundī
Semper superhomō.
Enim is iūstitiae
Est prōpugnātor.
Etiam contrā malōs
Est semper victor.
Maximus hērō
Est is iam ergō.
Vīs est prō bonō mundī
Noster superhomō.
Well, I finally finished it! Here are the complete lyrics (or the first complete draft, anyway). Your critique will be greatly appreciated. I've decided to title it "DE SUPERHOMINE"
Est sīdus distāns
Prōtectoris quī
Servat nōs.
Nōs, cum minae sint,
Sīcut nostrae cīvem planētae.
(Musical Interlude 00:24 – 00:40)
Nec flammae
Minantur eī,
Nec quīdem lāminae
Nocent dēfensorī.
Fortior est ferrō
Optimus hērōs.
Pugnat prō bonō mundī
Semper superhomō.
Itaque iūstitiae
Est prōpugnātor,
Etiam contrā malōs
Semper est is victor.
Maximus hērōs
Factus est ergō.
Vīs est prō bonō mundī
Noster superhomō.
In rubrā lacernā volat tam altē
Fīlius ultimus gentis mortuae quī vērē.
Pārs fit gentis nostrae prōtegendō nōs.
Etiam, cum perdātur spēs,
Reddit illam nōbīs.
Dubitanda nōn est sua mōrālitās,
Sed nec dubitanda est sua potestās.
Inimīcus est scelerum omnium semper.
Is est superhomō.
(Musical Interlude 01:43 – 02:03)
Tunc cecidit is
Dē caelō.
Nunc volat īdem.
In caelō.
Huic servit mundō,
Cum possit
Vincere mundum hunc omnem facillimē.
Vix nēmō scit quī
Sit hic hērōs in prīvātō.
Sed semper possunt ipsī
Cōnfīdere omnēs bonī.
Vident omnēs hērōem dūcī
Mūneris suō sensū tam magnō.
Fit dēfensor ideō.
Gerit bellum hoc prō nōbīs
Contrā istōs nefāriōs sīc.
(Musical Interlude 02:57 – 03:01)
Itaque iūstitiae
Est prōpugnātor,
Etiam contrā malōs
Semper est is victor.
Fortior est ferrō
Optimus hērōs.
Pugnat prō bonō mundī
Semper superhomō.
(Musical Interlude 03:17 – 03:22)
Est sīdus distāns
Prōtectoris quī
Servat nōs.
Nōs, cum minae sint,
Sīcut nostrae cīvem planētae.
Ergō numquam potest vincī
Volat in caelō
Igitur prōpugnator
Est mundī.
Semper pugnābit prō iūstitiā superhomō.
Is est hērōs.
Vīs prō bonō
Est in mundō.
Est vertās.
Est superhomō sīc.