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Earn a $125,000 salary and join a team of master teachers at The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School, recently featured on the front page of the New York Times. You may view the article by copying this link:


TEP is a new 480-student 5th through 8th grade middle school in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. Applications are now being accepted for teaching positions in Latin, Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Music, and Special Education.

Learn more and apply today at http://www.tepcharter.org/apply.php.

About TEP Charter School
TEP aims to put into practice the central conclusion of a large body of research related to student achievement: teacher quality is the most important school-based factor in the academic success of students, particularly those from low-income families. In singling out teacher quality as the essential lever in educational reform, TEP is uniquely focused on attracting and retaining master teachers. To do so, TEP uses a three-pronged strategy that it terms the 3 R’s: Rigorous Qualifications, Redefined Expectations, & Revolutionary Compensation. For more information, visit us online at www.tepcharter.org.

Compensation: $125,000 base salary, + bonus and benefits

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Ego sum Anglicae magister de Russia. Amo autem Latinam et disco eam in requie. Non multum scio adhuc, sed mea prima lingua Russica est, et mihi Latina facilis est.
Possum-ne benefactum hoc impetro? In Sina nunc sum et visam non habeo.
Gratias vobis ago.
Dear Igor,

My apologies, but I am the Office Manager of The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School. I am not fluent in Latin. We mainly have an opening for a Latin teaching position in our school.

If you are interested and would like to know more about this position, please visit our webiste: www.tepcharter.org

Otherwise, please translate your note to English so that I may respond.

Best Regards,
Vikky Urena
TEP Charter School
I looked at this deal, who wouldn't. Their search procedure basically made it impossible for me to consider even applying. I'm currently teaching Latin full time and plan on doing it next year at my current job if I don't have something better elsewhere. Well, this here charter schools says that they'll only consider you if their principal can come and observe you teaching in your current position! Are they kidding? First of all, it's technically illegal, since public schools are, ironically, not just open to the public. But most importantly, such a meeting would basically be broadcasting my exploration to leave at my current position. This is like burning the bridge behind you without knowing if the bridge even continues. So I'll be playing it safe and leaving this position to someone who has nothing to lose. And unfortunately for them, that could mean someone not worth getting.
Dear Keith,

The teaching observation is the fourth stage of our teacher application process. Although the observation is a requirement, the location is not. We have applicants that do not wish to disclose their intentions to their employer and, as a result, we have arranged for them to substitute teach at another location. We respect the right of the applicant to keep their employment intentions private as well as those who cannot grant TEP Principal access to their school due to school policy. In such cases, we will arrange for the applicant to teach elsewhere.

If you have any further questions about our teacher application process or TEP Charter, please feel free to contact me at 646-254-6451. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Vikky Urena
The Equity Project (TEP) Charter School




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