eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

I'm back, and I'm pleased to present the first draft of a new song adaptation! This time I've tackled the classic love theme from "Titanic," and it's ready for critique by my fellow Latinists! As always, this is NOT intended to be an exact translation of the original lyrics but rather a close approximation that fits the melody and rhymes of the song.

So, any constructive feedback on the viability/propriety of these lyrics will be greatly appreciated. I'm primarily concerned with grammar and syntax and only mildly with stylistics. That is to say, I'm not aiming for absolute adherence to classical style, but I would like to have something that a Roman could at least understand easily.

So, without further ado, here are the lyrics:

Tē somniandō sentiō.
Tē sēnsū inveniō.
Permanēre sapiō tē sīc.
Quamquam ā mē distās,
Sub tuō sum obtūtō.
Permanēre mōnstrās tē sīc.

Stās hīc
Quamvīs procul sīs.
Perdūrāre cor semper crēdō.
In mē
Manēs sēcūrē.
Iānuam prō mē aperīs.
Perdūrābit semper cor.

Cum advenit amor,
Fit vītā aeternior.
Numquam nōs relinquet
Sēnsum hunc inter nōs
Aeternē tenēbō.
Sīc meā vītā tuam vīvēs.

Stās hīc
Quamvīs procul sīs.
Perdūrāre cor semper crēdō.
In mē
Manēs sēcūrē.
Iānuam prō mē aperīs.
Perdūrābit semper cor.

Iam nīl timendō.
Perdūrāre cor semper sapiō.
Nōs sīc sit semper.
In meō vīvis cordī.
Perdūrābit semper cor.

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