eLatin eGreek eLearn

More wired than a Roman Internet café

I'm winding down my classes for the school year. Maybe it's different for me because I work with home-schoolers, but I'm curious what you are up to.

How much technology are you using in your classrooms during class?

Before the school year began, I decided to not use technology during the times where we met as a group. Ever. Well, for the last year anyway. I may change my mind in the future, but likely not for the next year.

My reasoning was this: 1. our time together was very limited (for several reasons, e-mail me off-list if you really want to know) and 2. I already had a job with Bolchazy.

For the times we aren't meeting, I'm pretty wired up. I blog to work on my composition skills. I keep up on e-mail lists with other Latin teachers. I create tests, handouts &c on the computer. I've even got a website.

I've been hosting a discussion forum there. It's been a qualified success. I think students check it out. But they are afraid to look dumb in front of their peers, so they don't use it past asking about what the homework assignment is. I think, but am not sure. I've tried blogs and found the same thing.

Do I need to make blog/forum posting mandatory to make it work? Maybe I do.

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