eLatin eGreek eLearn

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Deadlines for the National Mythology Exam and the Exploratory Latin Exam

Please consider administering the National Mythology Exam or the Exploratory Latin Exam this year! Or talk to an English or History teacher about the how they can use the exam to supplement their curriculum and bring national recognition to their students!

The National Mythology Exam sponsored by the ETC (Excellence Through Classics, a standing committee of the American Classical League) is designed for students in grades 3 through 9. The format of the exam is multiple choice on Greek and Roman mythology. Upon registration, a bibliography is provided to prepare students for the exam.
Deadline to register for the exam: January 15, 2010.
Adminstration period: February 22 - March 5, 2010.
Awards: Gold, Silver, Bronze Medallions
Please see http://etclassics.org/nme.html for more information.
The Exploratory Latin Exam, also sponsored by the ETC (Excellence Through Classics, a standing committee of the American Classical League) and is recommended for grades 3 – 6. The format of the exam is multiple choice on general topics which include:
Animals Derivatives Housing/Life Number Names
Art/Architecture Entertainment Mottoes/Expressions Oral/Classroom
Body Parts Family Members Mythology Roman Numerals
Colors Geography/History Nature Translation
Deadline to register for the exam: March 1, 2010.
Adminstration period: October 1, 2009 and April 1, 2010. Teachers must return completed exams within one week after each administration. Results from all exams, regardless of administration date, are sent in May 2010.
Awards: Medallions for perfect scores, certificates for high scores, and participation ribbons for all.
Please see http://www.etclassics.org/ele.html for more information.

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