eLatin eGreek eLearn

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A Traveling Exhibit: APA Comics Contest 2008

Dear Friends on eClassics:

I''m writing to inform you, if you haven't been able to see the display boards that have traveled to APA Chicago, Eta Sigma Phi, and just recently, CAMWS, that the winners and honorable mention entries from the 2008 APA Comics Contest are traveling the country at the request of teachers like you.

The theme was the statue of Ceres that crowns the Chicago Board of Trade building. The cost of the display is nominal, since it entails merely the price of shipping and arranging for easels or another display setup. The exhibit has been sponsored with generous outreach program grants from the American Philological Association, the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Eta Sigma Phi, and Excellence Through Classics.

More information is available on a website (number of panels, size, &c.), using blog technology to list the exhibit's whereabouts, and a slideshow feature that shows the entries on the boards. Do scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the full layout. A flyer that can be printed out to show your administration and publicize can also be downloaded from the site. Please point your browsers to:


I'm fielding requests for hosts for the display from July onward. Please be in touch if you think your school, library or community group with an interest in the classics would be interested in displaying the exhibit.

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Chris Ann Matteo, Ph.D.
Independent Scholar
Comparative Literature, Classics and English
vox 703.568.8663

The minute she says she's gone to get the cat in
The next thing I know she's mumbling in Latin

Billy Bragg "She's Got a New Spell"
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