I was curious how a lot of 19th century textbooks dealt with the difference between the praetereunte /imperfect and praeterito/perfect: I found translations that distinguished between them, while not ( to my ear) signifying a great difference in meaning: namely I loved for the imperfect, and I have loved for the praeterito. I had loved for the antepraeterito.
To my ear I 've eaten dinner, and I ate dinner are almost indistinguishable - using these methods to render the tenses in…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 26, 2010 at 5:59am —
The article below shows up yet another area where I expect…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 24, 2010 at 12:09pm —
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If you are interested in Latin and Chemistry, as I am ( I am a Chemistry teacher by profession), then this selection culled from google books might interest you.
Google books constantly amazes me - more and more Latin texts appear on google every day - we are very fortunate, I doubt at any point in history has anyone had access to such a complete and diverse library of texts in Latin, and we have it at the press of a few keystrokes.…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 18, 2010 at 10:31am —
Many English Speakers Cannot Understand Basic Grammar
ScienceDaily (July 6, 2010) — Research into grammar by academics at Northumbria University suggests that a significant proportion of native English speakers are unable to understand some basic sentences.
The findings -- which undermine the assumption that all speakers have a core ability to use grammatical cues -- could have significant implications for education, communication and linguistic theory.
The research, conducted by…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 6, 2010 at 5:47pm —
1 Comment
Most students of Latin, in my estimation, have a very narrow band of fluency. The same may even be true of many Latin teachers, who struggle with texts that they have not prepared.
A question I have asked myself, is this: what does one need to do, to get 'broad-band, fully functional fluency?.
The answer is simple, of course - much reading. But reading what?
My solution is this - after completing an initial Latin…
Added by Latinum Institute on July 3, 2010 at 8:00am —
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Second Language Learners Recall Native Language When Reading, Brain Research Suggests
ScienceDaily (June 1, 2010) — Adults fluent in English whose first language is Chinese retrieve their native language when reading in English, according to new research in the June 2 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience. This study suggests that people who learn a second language in adolescence or later recall the sounds of words from their native language.
The scientists who conducted the…
Added by Latinum Institute on June 3, 2010 at 4:45pm —
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Added by Latinum Institute on May 4, 2010 at 5:30pm —
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interesting study on morphology, and word order, and the parts of the brain activated when different types of sentences are used, will be of interest to Latin teachers.
Added by Latinum Institute on April 30, 2010 at 4:31am —
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Ning have just announced on their Developer Network that they are terminating their free service - the cut off date has not yet been given, but this will effectively kill Schola, and this site as well. I will, however, convert Schola to a Premium site, if there is no alternative way to keep it alive on Ning. This at present is $10 a month, the new pricing schedule has not been announced.
I am also currently looking into alternatives as a fail safe, and am making arrangements to…
Added by Latinum Institute on April 16, 2010 at 10:00am —
I've been continuing my work producing Latin recordings - which are available
here .
My latest DVD is a recording of D'Ooge's edition of…
Added by Latinum Institute on March 26, 2010 at 5:45am —
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The long term survival online of the Latinum materials is now assured, (once I complete the paperwork granting permission) as the British Library has sent me a permission request to archive the site as part of its permanent digital collection.
Added by Latinum Institute on March 23, 2010 at 4:02pm —
1 Comment
I stumbled across this entry on
podcast.com a podcast aggregating service - Latinum is in the top 25 podcasts listed on that site....hard to credit, really. Who would have thought?
Here is the list:
1.st CNN News Update
2nd BBC Global News
3rd Midwest Teen Sex Show
4th 60 Minutes Podcast - The Full Broadcast
5th Dictionary.com Word Explorer
6th ABC World News (Enhanced Video)
7th Face the Nation
8th BBC…
Added by Latinum Institute on March 23, 2010 at 5:00am —
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I am still working on the
Greek Podcast - I have been meeting up with Thomas Vulpius in Schola's Locutorium most evenings - mainly to speak in Latin, but also to work with my Greek.
Thomas is one of the handful of people able to converse in Attic Greek. He uses the restored pronunciation outlined by Daitz. I have been reading with him, to work on my pronunciation, which as a result, is improving rapidly. I have now posted 5 lessons from…
Added by Latinum Institute on March 3, 2010 at 7:30am —
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Added by Latinum Institute on February 21, 2010 at 9:39am —
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Regarding the issue of fluency - my general experience has been that those who are self taught seem to a have more sensible goals, and a more sensible methodology for studying Latin, than students taught in most school programmes. Through not knowing any better, they are aiming for in Latin what they would expect to aim for in French, German etc - an ability to command the language, its vocabulary,and its idioms.
It is a very educational experience to click through the profiles of…
Added by Latinum Institute on January 31, 2010 at 9:06am —
Some months ago, we had a discussion about a Greek podcast - someone from Eclassics started producing the course from Kendrick, and I was hopeful, when suddenly, after a few lessons were posted online, the whole thing vanished into thin air, and the person producing it disappeared off the edge of the earth. Anyway, Latinum is now pretty well established, and I want to improve my Greek - so I am starting work on a new Greek podcast - it will use Kendrick's Greek Ollendorff, and some other stuff…
Added by Latinum Institute on January 28, 2010 at 7:00pm —
Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of European history, would know that Latin was taught orally, and used actively as a spoken second language, uninterruptedly from Roman times, until well into the late 1700’s. Universities across Europe conducted all their business in Latin as well. In some European countries, this tradition continued into the mid 1800’s. Waquet’s “Empire of the Sign” is instructive reading. Certain schools forbad speaking anything but Latin on the school premises. It…
Added by Latinum Institute on January 28, 2010 at 6:28am —
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Latinum also has a new social network site ( It has been in the planning for a long time) where only ATTIC GREEK (Classical Greek), Classical Hebrew, and Latin many be used. This social network (which shares its chatroom with Schola) is called
Added by Latinum Institute on January 26, 2010 at 5:00am —
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New home page for Latinum, setting out the project more simply and clearly.
Added by Latinum Institute on January 23, 2010 at 10:34am —
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The locutorium is an open space - anyone can enter, if they are a member of Schola, and can use it as they wish. You are warmly invited to come along in, and make of it what you will. It is an open space, and has no 'owners'
The only rule is 'Latine tantum' - Latin only. It is the only universally intelligible language the users of the chatroom have.
There is a synergy of new technologies that has made this possible - three or four years ago, what we…
Added by Latinum Institute on January 3, 2010 at 7:18am —