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Igor's Comments

Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 5:52pm on January 22, 2009, maximus said…
this sounds great. do you have any longer recordings? i would love to listen to them.
At 10:38am on January 23, 2009, maximus said…
Hi Igor. I am also a a big fan of the bible (Christian dog, here), especially the new testament. And your method of recording, making pauses after groups of words with sense (like between clauses, or phrases) makes the recordings easiest to learn by.
Would you record something from Acts?
At 11:42am on January 23, 2009, maximus said…
I just made a recording of the beginning of acts. Since it is later latin, I used a more ecclesiastical pronunciation. Like you, I read slowly and group things together which belong together and separate things which don't. I would like to compare it with one made by you.


1 Primum quidem sermonem feci de omnibus, o Theophile, quæ cœpit Jesus facere et docere
2 usque in diem qua præcipiens Apostolis per Spiritum Sanctum, quos elegit, assumptus est:
3 quibus et præbuit seipsum vivum post passionem suam in multis argumentis, per dies quadraginta apparens eis, et loquens de regno Dei.
4 Et convescens, præcepit eis ab Jerosolymis ne discederent, sed exspectarent promissionem Patris, quam audistis (inquit) per os meum:
5 quia Joannes quidem baptizavit aqua, vos autem baptizabimini Spiritu Sancto non post multos hos dies.
6 Igitur qui convenerant, interrogabant eum, dicentes: Domine, si in tempore hoc restitues regnum Israël?
7 Dixit autem eis: Non est vestrum nosse tempora vel momenta quæ Pater posuit in sua potestate:
8 sed accipietis virtutem supervenientis Spiritus Sancti in vos, et eritis mihi testes in Jerusalem, et in omni Judæa, et Samaria, et usque ad ultimum terræ.
At 12:46pm on January 26, 2009, maximus said…
I could give you Vergil right now.
I'd love to listen to your voice reading book one of Virgil. I can also read in the Classical pronunciation. Is there anything you would like me to record for you (study, listening) in return for this?
At 10:22pm on January 26, 2009, Igor said…
Sure, send me Vergil and i'll try to make a recording.
Thanks for offering your help, I will see what I need.
At 9:25pm on October 20, 2009, Bojan said…
Hello Igor,

I've just found this web site, and read:
"The only problem, I am weak on accents in Latin, that's why I read Vulgata, it's got accents."

Well, I've got the same problem as you, but an additional one as well: I've got Vulgata with no accents!
Any ideas? Any online resources? Russian resources?

Yours sincerely,
At 8:50pm on October 21, 2009, Bojan said…
Hello, Igor!

Given that I am new to this forum, I have no idea whether this message will be sent to you personally, or as a general comment on the forum.

As I have said in the previous message, I've got a bit of a problem because Vulgata that I have bought doesn't have accents marked - and I don't like improvising, especially in the early stages.

Now, there is another thing. I've studied Latin in high school for a year; a long, long time ago, so I have forgotten most of it. One thing that bugs me is the pronunciation.
I've read on the internet that there are 4 types of pronunciation - "ecclesiastical" (probably greatly influenced by Italian), "continental European", "English", and "reconstructed".

I would probably be closest to "continental European", that is, I believe that was the way we've been taught at school.

Could you please help me with the following:
1) Finding an accented Vulgata, preferably online. Then I would just add accents to the selected passages in the one I've got.
2) Finding some mp3 recordings of the Scriptures online (Psalter, Holy Gospels above all). There are Holy Gospels at www.greeklatinaudio.com, but with a very, very weird pronunciation.
Is there any other source, preferably with "continental European" pronunciation?
Or any other, for that matter?

Yours sincerely,

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